Monday, November 20, 2006

Yes, I Can Finish Stuff

Look! I really can finish stuff! And ... using stash yarns! This is the newest niece's welcome blanket. Now I only have one more blankie that I have to knit and I could knit it in stash yarn but then it would be in worsted weight and that takes just that much longer then bulky. So ... I think that my colleague will wait another few weeks and I will focus on my holiday gifts for another 2 weeks and then pick up the bulky and knock out his blankie in December.

These went out yesterday.

The one on top is for Susan and the one on the bottom is for my Sock-ret pal. I do not think that she reads my blog so it should not be a give-away. Size, by the way, is no indication of contents. Those are just the boxes I had available.

Now back to knitting Gauntlets for our Violin teacher. I made a pair for her last year and then discovered that her eczema is aggravated by wool so she got a pretty scarf instead and sister-the-younger (of the no leafy greens) got the gauntlets. This year I am using a silk blend so hopefully dear violin teacher can wear them.


Susan said...

ooooooooooh a squidly package coming my way! Now I have to clean the nose prints off my monitor..and no, I couldn't see through the paper even with trifocals *G*

That's a great blanket. Nice and big and snuggly.

Sally said...

The blankie is gorgeous. Isn't it nice to make blankies when it's chilly out? I don't know how you find time to do it, considering you're a school administrator. Brava!