Monday, April 24, 2006

Back to Work

What did I accomplish over the last week and a half?
Did I write the Guide to Character socks? Nope
Did I use up massive amounts of yarn? Nope
Did I spend lots of quality time with my family? Yup.

We went hiking / geocaching and found 4 more caches. We did the tourist thing with family from out of town. We spent sunny days in the playground and rainy days cleaning the apartment. Female child and I did a proper Tea.

We are all moving slowly this morning as we attempt to get back in to the swing of things. By the time next week rolls around we should be ready to tackle the "worst-two-weeks-of-my-year.*" I already have a knot in my stomach but this, too, will pass as it always does.

No pictures today but trust me when I say that I finished the first Pomatomous sock and am ready to turn the heel on the next plain sock. I also added a square or two to my sweater(?) and am contemplating how to insert armholes given that I went with an odd number of mitered squares instead of an even one. I also think I have found a pattern or two to go with my Jacob yarn.

Have a happy Monday.

(*Defined as: the period of time in which Devorah supervises the administration of the Advanced Placement exams in her school and follows all of the rules and regulations and keeps the staff and students relatively happy without losing her mind.)

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