Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Squid on Wheels -- Lancaster Hills

Squid want to ride in different places and after our wonderful experience in Indianapolis, we decided to see what was happening in the Lancaster area.

After doing a considerable amount of research, Papa Squid made contact with the Lancaster Bike Club and discovered that they were having a D-Level (10 mph+) ride on the Sunday that we would be there. So, we did what Squid do, and brought our bikes to Lancaster.

Sunday dawned clear and cool and, after hooking the bike rack back up to the car, we took off to the meet up place where we were welcomed in to the fold. Off we went and very quickly discovered that Little Squid had not eaten enough breakfast. Embarrassed, we plied him with granola bars and all kept on peddling up and down the scenic hills. After the first major hill we paused to catch our breath and admire the view.
Later we paused yet again for a photo-op by one of Lancaster's scenic covered bridges. We rode through two of these during the ride. Way cool!
Us and members of the Lancaster Bike Club -- faces have been blurred for privacy.

Pushing on, we climbed several more hills and made it through a flat on Squidette's bike, changed in record time by Papa Squid. Both kids performed admirably and we will make sure to feed Little properly before the next ride. Thank you to the LBC members who patiently waited for Mike and Little to catch up to us and steered us the correct way. Special thanks to the ride leader who stayed after the flat to direct us back to the car.

Total mileage -- 15.8.

If you want to see our route, click here. (This is a new feature of Squid of Wheels and will now accompany most of our unusual rides.)


Ann said...


Anonymous said...


Sounds like a lovely ride.

Anonymous said...

I didn't think there were any other squid enthusiasts but me out there, discounting a handful of marine biologists, I suppose.

Always cool to see a cephalopod.

Anonymous said...

Every time I go for a drive in the hills and see people bicycling, I cringe. It looks so hard!!!! Hurray for the Squids and toughing it out.