Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Birthday Letter From Squidette

Dear Mama Squid,
Today you are 40, the age you are meant to be, or so you say. You have provided Little Squid and me from the start what with food (don't contradict me) and socks and a place to live. You drive Little Squid and me to school and bring us to places we would never see otherwise. You give Papa Squid, Little squid, and me all the winter wear we need. You are loving, kind, caring, and have a sense of humor. You are good at your job and provide for us all. For all of this, Papa, Little, and I wish you a happy 40th birthday. We love you.



Kirsten said...

Such a sweet note from Squidette! Happy Birthday Momma Squid!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to my favorite younger older sister!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, my fault. I even wrote it down. /sigh

Happy Belated Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy b-day! Thanks to you, I get birthday pie! Yum... Yum... Yum...

Anonymous said...

Awww, that was so cute!
And happy birthday!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! What a great post!

Susan said...

A bit late, but happy birthday anyway! Having a daughter like Squidette and a son like Little and a husband like Papa must be the ultimate gift.

Ann said...

Happy Belated Birthday! I am glad to see your positive attitude about that birthday that year that ends in 0. I didn't handle 40 so well..50...heck I am fabulous now!
