Sunday, December 03, 2006

Lazy Weekend

For those waiting for the outcome to the latest Act in the Saga of the Squirrel ... it is rather lame ... he appears to have found his way out of the building. At least that is what we think. The exterminator did come back and set up a Hav-a-Heart trap early on Friday but it was still empty by the time I left for the day. If it is empty tomorrow we will call this tale closed.

Meanwhile I have been so wiped out this week that I have not even started editing Act 3 of the Saga so you will have to wait a bit for it. Hey, good things come to those who wait. Right?

I have been very productive on the knitting front but since ends are not yet hidden and it is still totally dark here, there are no photos for now. Maybe tomorrow.

All of the planned holiday gifts are done. 2 teacher scarves, 1 pair of mitts (my own design) for the third teacher (I got bored of scarves), 1 pair of Fetching for our Little Squid transit person (babysitter just sounds wrong), the Violin teacher gauntlets and socks for my boss. Maybe I will make one or two more gifts but none are planned for now. Instead I am back to trying to finish some of you UFOs and I will finally buy the yarn for and start the last baby blanket that I owe. I also owe the kid sister mittens and a hat but hey, her birthday isn't until March so I have time.

We did get a new fan / light for Little Squid. Lowes had some really cool ones and this new one would look better in a living room or such but it is what he wanted and the price was in our range. We will hook it this afternoon. Yes, I will take pictures -- exciting, no?

I also have more Knitting Club tales but since I didn't post it last week I will give double -- and pictures of the blanket in progress (15 blocks so far) this week.

Otherwise my big plans for the day involve laundry and the purchase of make-up which will involve a trip into Midtown and a department store during the holiday season. Yes, I am nuts but I will also not make it through the month with what I have and hey, they have a Bonus!


Susan said...

You're knitting fingers (and those of the knitting club) have been flying!

Oh I do hope that this fan works well for him!

I helped a friend spend a bunch of money and managed to spend a bit myself. Fun.

Susan said...

That should have been Your, not you're. But I have an excuse. I was waiting for the coffee. *L*

Anonymous said...

Okies. I'm tired from reading. *L*

I hope you're having a good day and get a chance to relax a bit. *hugs*