There was a request for the story of the Lobster earrings. So, being ever the obedient blogger, here goes. Way back when, oh, about 21 years ago this May, I started hanging out with this really great guy that I knew from high school. We had reconnected a few months earlier and were well on the way to becoming best friends. During that first summer we frequented cartoon night at the Thalia (now a part of Symphony Space), attended Concerts in the Park and drank wine under the stars. On July 4 we watched the fireworks while sitting together on the Brooklyn Bridge. At the end of the evening, he kissed me lightly on the lips.
Sometime during that summer, while we were hanging with a great group of friends after waiting hours to get our tickets to Shakespeare in the Park, we wandered over to a store on the West Side and he bought me my very first present.
And now. Yes, the same earrings, 21 years later. Want a better look at that perm I was sporting?
Remember that mini skirt I mentioned a few posts ago? Doesn't look nearly as short as I thought it was. (I had another picture of it but this one shows the aqua better.)
Oh my Gosh, those little earrings are so adorable and the gift is so-o-o-o-o-o romantic! I bet you married the "guy", didn't you? Definitely a keeper! LOL
And I love your perm too BTW! I use to look that way too in the 80s... Actually, who didn't? LOL
Thank you so much for sharing your photos and so happy memories... :-)
mmmh... I see that you are spinning on your bicycle ANS spinning yarn too... Spinner all the way, huh? LOL
I like your little bike pendant around your neck! Years back, I use to wear a parachute the same way... LOL
That is so so sweet and romantic. Priceless! Thank you for sharing your photos and memories with us.
And congratulations and best wishes to your brother and his new wife. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and make lots of memories!!!
So Cute!! :D
Did the earrings get bigger over time? *L*
So sweet. Looks like the aqua skirt got to see some good parties.
Great photos, thanks for sharing them with all of us!
What a sweet story! Cool that you still have your earrings.
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