Saturday, June 23, 2007

Overly Productive Day

I went on a major activity kick this morning. The kind of bender that usually starts right after school ends. It started early this year.

After lifting weights and riding on the trainer (am I sounding sickeningly virtuous?) where I spun many yards of wool on my spindle (yes, I spin while I spin) I went on a cleaning binge. The binge was predicated by our recent loss of a set of ramikens and the kitchen scale. My binge did not uncover them but did serve to remind me of all the lovely crystal bowls we got for our wedding. They have now been degreased and put back into a freshly scrubbed cabinet to sit and collect more kitchen grease. Maybe we should hold a party?

Then I pressed Squidette's new top (finished last night) and started in on my first pair of the Summer of Socks. These are for Squidette who, after being given all the yarn you saw two days ago to choose from chose the Regia Silk. Figures. (Yes, I bought it for myself but far be it from me to begrudge silk socks for my daughter.)

Since most of today was spent at friends for their daughter's birthday, I managed to almost finish the first sock -- and got a lot of silk spun to boot!
It is now kitchenered and sitting on my lap. I will cast on the mate and then work on something else for the remainder of the evening.
Oh, and somewhere in there I finished plying the last of the current batch of silk singles. I'll let you know how much it is when I skein it. Right now I am estimating between 300 and 600 yards on the bobbin. It was two spindle fulls. (No, I didn't do it all today -- I did most of it last weekend.)


Ann said...

Ohhhhh I like the yarn and the pattern of that sock. Very pretty!

Anonymous said...

Lovely top and beautiful yarn for socks! I am sure Squidette is going to love her socks! :-)

Oh, and BTW, I have tagged you! Check my blog and I hope you have fun!


Anonymous said...

If I may ask what yarn did you use for the little top?

Anonymous said...

The top is very cute on your daughter. Once in a blue moon I have one of those 'overly productive days'. I wish they would hit more often!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that IS a lot of work for one day. The sweater/top looks VERY nice, as does the spinning.
VERY productive, thanks for raising the bar another notch!

Susan said...

Wow you really were busy! A good feeling to get so much done too.