So, up to Little Red it was and back down, stopping at Fairway to pick up some provisions.
Little Red Lighthouse
A street fair lunch for the kids, success in the shopping and then downtown on a practically deserted Lexington Avenue. Kind of spooky, actually. Lex is usually "wall to wall" cars. Personally, I hate it. I hate to drive it. I hate to ride a bus on it. I hate to walk on it. I find it to be one of the narrowest avenues and it makes me somewhat claustrophobic.
Total ride: 19.5 miles. See the route here.
Total ride: 19.5 miles. See the route here.
Frankly, I have to admit that much of Manhattan makes me claustrophobic these days. Yesterday, the kids and I walked up to Times Square, stopping in B & H along the way. B & H was wall to wall people. We got out of there as quickly as we could. Then we went to Toy's R Us and found a similar situation. The Swatch store was mostly empty but everything else ... phew! After Swatch I remembered about the Little Brazil street fair and, in search of Little Squid's birthday present, proposed we walk another block to get to it. Bad idea. It was so tightly packed at the intersection we came in on that we turned around and went home. Eek! Too many people! And too many drunk people!
Tomorrow, back to school.
Congrats to Team Squid on this major milestone! And enjoy the start of school tomorrow. My daughter will be doing the same at PS 58 in Brooklyn.
yay! i rode for 5 minutes on the trainer.. does that count?
Congratulations all! Crowds get to me too.
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