After the exterminator stopped by and drenched our home in bug-killing pesticides, we fled the fumes in a very Squidly manner -- on our bicycles.

Yes, yes she has grown. In all dimensions. It is enough to truly freak out a mother. Almost more then the bugs. Almost. O.k., more so. Really!

When we stopped for a "natural" break on the Upper West Side (after fighting our way through a fund-raising race in Riverside Park), I noticed this building in my rearview mirror. Given that my mirror usually just shows me my shoulder, I turned around and took notice.

It's tall. And seriously contrasts with the surrounding neighborhood. Change is not always good, in my opinion.
Then we headed in to Central Park, where the leaves are still very green.

Little Squid and I enjoyed a leisurely ride while Squidette and Papa Squid raced on ahead.

We met up at 6th Avenue and carefully pedaled our way to 5th Avenue.

Once on Fifth we had much of the road to ourselves, despite the buses that seemed to think that we were really in their way.

Too bad 5th does not have a bike lane on the left. On a day like today we could have saved the buses a lot of aggravation.

And on down 5th we continued.

5th is changing. Many of the old, unique stores that gave it it's character have gone, to be replaced by shopping mall standards like this.

Outside of Lord and Taylor we were stopped by a police car and a black suburban with DC plates. There were too few agents for it to be the First Lady but someone "important" was doing some shopping. Yes, 5 bicyclists (there was another lady-on-bike who came up along side us at this juncture) were a threat to whoever was shopping. Yup. This is where my tax money is going. No, I didn't take a picture -- figured I'd lose my camera if I did.
Notice the Flatiron Building at the end of the street. Always one of my favorite buildings.Less then a mile after that rather annoying stop, we got to the greenmarket to purchase some fresh, local veggies for this week's dinners. Mushrooms, stringbeans, apples ... yum!

Yes, yes Little Squid did get a hair cut this morning. Why do you ask? And yes, that is a rather odd expression on his face. No, I do not know why.

Later, Squidette started unpacking some of the bags that have been hanging out on the balcony. So far she has liberated 3 bags of stuffed animals mixed with clothing. Woo hoo! I found my jeans!

Our balcony is still covered with bags that look like this.

Slowly, we will restore the contents to their rightful places. For now, however, it is time to remake all the beds.
Good night, sleep tight and ... well you know the rest.
Flatiron is my favorite NYC building too. Chrysler Building is my second favorite.
Sounds like y'all had a nice ride.
Wow she's grown up fast this summer! :) All that biking is good for growth!
Didn't you hear that 5th will get a buffered bike lane? Woo hoo!! (now to get over my fear of bridges and be able to get *into* Manhattan.) Of course I could just take the train in, but I hate schlepping my bike up all those stairs...
I think that's the huge skyscraper my MIL asked me about, saying it was near campus. *sigh* I'm sad to see some nice shops/restaurants replaced by chains...
Good luck with the unpacking and things. If I can help at all? [I've found more needles for knitting club, even more if I get an options set for my bday]
Does it help that a small bump of roving is safe by me? If you want it back, I've not had time at all to spin.
Heck, I'm up now. Writing a paper on TB & gov't research/action over the years will do that to you.
It's been beautiful biking weather. The city looks neat with nearly empty streets.
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