As we approached this, um thing, on the walk way yesterday, Squidette referred to it as an anvil. When I gently corrected her, she responded: "yea, well if if falls on your foot you get the same result as with an anvil. A flat foot."

And then when viewing this picture, she noticed the people beneath the, um thing you tie boats up to, and said "see, it is an anvil."
Hope your day is full of three-dimensional people.
dear squidette, thank you for making me smile this monday morning. i definitely needed it. you *are* correct by my definition of anvil. :) quick, define trafficated!
dear squidette's mom, thank you for posting this. i definitely needed it.
Squidette for the win!
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Yay! for Squidette's witty observance!! Double Yay for Squidettes Mom have a great sense of humor, too! *hugs to both*
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