Weekends have been busy lately. Saturday, Squidette had her band rehersal and qualified for a special program with the New York Pops. Expect to see more on that as the program continues. I was busy working on tweaking halloween costumes and except for some last minute work on Papa's body, am done. Squidette had a last minute costume change due to accidentally throwing out her other costume.
Sunday was a lovely day and we all headed uptown when Little Squid went to hebrew school. While he did his thing, the rest of us did a loop of Central Park and Squidette and I discovered that our lungs do not like doing the Great Hill in 50 degree weather. We did finish the loop and then some and, since Little Squid and Papa did 9 miles a week or so ago, we are counting yesterday's mileage toward the family total. Yes, that brings us up to 745 for the calendar year. I will go and check who the winner is and announce it in the next day or two. We do plan on continuing to ride if the weather is agreeable but, maybe not the Great Hill in colder weather.

Kudos, by the way, to the New York Road Runners Club for cleaning up their act. Despite a pre-marathon race yesterday, Central Park was quite ridable. Last year you could not say the same and Papa wound up getting
After the ride, the three of us had breakfast and then Papa Squid rode home while Squidette and I hung around until Little Squid was done. Our rearranged trio then crossed the park on foot, heading to Knitty City to get yarn for Litte Squid's new sweater.
On the way we passed this rock outcropping of
Manhattan schist -- bedrock to you and me.

And on our way back we walked through the only tunnel in Central Park that is carved out of the bedrock .
Woo Hoo!
What a well traveled group of Squid you are.
And to think I'd never heard of schist before..and of course I followed the link. And could maybe win a prize some day for knowing why there aren't tall buildings in Greenwich Village. I took a test that I found over on Laura's and discovered that I am 25 in NYC years. I was truly happy but then I delved further and discovered the test was skewed. I kind of thought so since I only guessed at the picture questions. Oh well. And do we get to see the Little Squid yarn? /babble off
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