Monday, December 10, 2007

Still Here

For a brief period it looked like we were somewhat perky and ready to go but we have now resumed our position on the couch. The thing about his migraines is that I no longer worry. They eventually go away so it is just a waiting game and there is nothing so important that I have to rush to work for. Yes, I could call my folks and ask them to come in and sit with him but frankly, as Dee said, it is downright cozy.

Back to my knitting!


Anonymous said...

Awww, poor LS. I hope his head clears soon. Migraines at any age are bad.

Sarah said...

Hope you feel better LS!

Cookie said...

That poor baby. I hope Little Squid is feeling better. Migraines are such a nightmare. I'm so glad you were able to stay home with him.

Susan said...

ohhhhh poor little squid! I've only had one headache in my life that doctors thought could be a migraine and I thought I was going to die..or wish I could. I'm glad that you were able to be there with him. oftimes Mama is the best medicine. And nice that you are able to have some really quiet time for you too.