My mother-in-law and I used to refer to a certain genre of t.v. shows as "dark, mumbly shows." Those are the ones that are dimly lit and where the characters all speak in low, hushed tones. Programs in this category include Numbers, Studio 60 and my all time favorite ... The West Wing. I absolutely LOVE to work out to The West Wing and for a while, Bravo was airing 4 episodes every Monday. I'd DVR them and then work out to them on the weekends, promptly erasing them to make room for more. Then Bravo stopped airing the episodes regularly and I switched to the Muppet Show DVDs . These worked for a while, until two things happened. One, I started working out for longer then the 24 minute episodes and two, I ran out of unviewed shows. This left me jonsing for The West Wing again.
Look what my sweetie got for me!

If I wasn't feeling so crummy, I'd work out right now!
Oh my that is a wonderful gift!! :) You are lucky! Feel better...
Dark mumbly shows - perfect description of The X-Files. I always had trouble following the plot because you couldn't see what was going on.
Nice gift!!! I loved the West Wing and was so sad to see it stop.
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