Life has not been all about crane crashes and other annoyances. Rather, it really has been about celebrations and that is the real reason why I have not posted this week, I've been too busy!
Musical celebrations include the Manhattan Borough Wide Band concert at Carnegie Hall, Squidette's second appearance on this hallowed stage. Squidette also starred in her middle school band as Concert Mistress for her own band and as supplemental talent for the other seventh grade band.
Little Squid has been shining as well, with performances on the flute with his fifth grade band and with the fourth grade chorus on his violin. Today was his science fair and next week is his school play.
On Wednesday Squidette received her ELA score for the year and did very well and today we finally received Little Squid's middle school acceptance -- to the same school that Squidette attends -- and to the program that he wanted. Woo Hoo! Oh, and Squidette is being inducted into Arista next week, yet another cause for celebration. Little Squid graduates from elementary school in two weeks and school ends for all but poor Mama on the 26th. (Mama has to go until the 30th.)
And there you have it. Life in a nutshell. Tomorrow (maybe) a brief tour of East Harlem -- or at least East 115th Street as seen from my bike cam.
(And thanks to you, gentle reader, I now know that the name "Arista" is another NYC-only thing like Delany cards.)
Musical celebrations include the Manhattan Borough Wide Band concert at Carnegie Hall, Squidette's second appearance on this hallowed stage. Squidette also starred in her middle school band as Concert Mistress for her own band and as supplemental talent for the other seventh grade band.
And there you have it. Life in a nutshell. Tomorrow (maybe) a brief tour of East Harlem -- or at least East 115th Street as seen from my bike cam.
(And thanks to you, gentle reader, I now know that the name "Arista" is another NYC-only thing like Delany cards.)
Sounds like your kids are having a wonderful "end of year"! Congratulations to Squidette and Little Squid on their accomplishments!
Have a great ride.
Tomorrow -- I'm just relaxing in the peace and quiet of a FIL-free house.
What a happy week! Congratulations to Squidette and Little Squid!
It's a crazy-busy time for teachers with school-aged children. You all are ending the year with a bang!
Busy time indeed! Congrats to the Squidlings. Hard work does pay off!
mazel tov squidlings!
i always wanted to be concert mistress.. go squidette! honor society YAY! [I wish *mine* was named something cool like that...]
and go little squid. i only had one science fair in my school career from the photo it looks quite interesting... can mama explain some more about the bits on the table how do they fit into optical illusions? i'm familiar with the rest that I can see.. (or let l.s. take the keyboard?)
you have two amazing kids. though this long-out-of-school-girl must ask, what's ELA? i'm glad everyone has scored well and is happy!
Congratulations to Squidette and Little Squid!
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