And on the sixth day of vacation, I finished a gift scarf.
Once again it was an icky sort of day here so we mostly stayed inside. Squidette and I took a walk to get some trendy teen-type clothing (for her) but then returned to the less humid environment of our apartment.
Back at home we were greeted with this sight.
And this one. Pretty much how they looked all day as they played with electronics. Little Squid is working his way through an introductory book and managed to light up an LED. He also managed to blow up two LEDs, much to his delight.
We ended the day watching the end of the Tour de France rebroadcast and I made some progress on my TdF Knit along project.
Back at home we were greeted with this sight.
my husband is quite jealous. that is what my apartment will most likely look like come late November when he finishes his mba.
and then? no more complaining about stash and stash accessories. ;)
Trendy teen gear? Oh my...
Trendy teen, knitting and electrical experiments. Sounds like a great day to me. I loved the pictures of Mike and Little Squid. To me, it's so cool to get to watch someone intent on their passion whether it be fiber or wiring.
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