A few days ago I realized that I was not enjoying the pressure of "having" to finish my TdF project. So, with that in mind, I took out my wheel yesterday and went for a nice long spin. Then I balled up the first skein of Tilli Thomas Rock Star Bridgetown Brown (100% spun silk with glass beads) and started in on this shrug for Squidette.
During the Tour I also finished these socks for my only sockless sibling -- but they were "purse" knitting and don't count as interfering in the TdF sock progress.
Last, I was working on another project, which will be finished and revealed in all of it's glory tomorrow. parts of it have been worked on in secret from the recipient so no peaks until they see it first.
The second sock. Oh, and did I mention that I lost my squid graph and have to reconstruct it from the first sock ...
And so, I concede the race. no green jersey for me. Oh well, there is always next year.
Sounds like you had a rough knitting weekend. Sorry about the lost graph. That's frustrating.
The shrug will be beautiful! How long do you have until Squidette's Bat Mitzvah.
Poor dear! Don't you bet you find the graph just as soon as you finish the second sock? Squidette will be gorgeous in that!
Ouch -- a crash with a lost graph. You gave it a great shot, and as long as you enjoyed yourself, that's all that really matters.
I really like that shrug of Squidette's, and can't wait to see it knitted up!
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