Continuing our stint as tourists in our own city, we ventured out today to the American Museum of Natural History, our very favorite NYC attraction.
We touched bases with old friends,

and made some new ones.

Gawked at the Origami,

and had some lunch.

Spied a stegosaurus,

and skated on plastic.

In 20 degree temps. Burr!

And then we saw this.

Smack in the middle of the street. 8th Avenue at 26th Street if anyone cares.
Tomorrow ... planes, trains and automobiles. Or not.
What fun I've had as I trailed along behind you via the wonders of technology!
Okay it's 20 degrees and you get fake ice.
It's 80 here and they have the ice rink open over at the university. It's outside and is REAL ice. Wonder how much electricity THAT is taking. YIKES!
I haven't given it a try and it closes today. Guess I'll have to wait until next year, if they do it again.
Looks like y'all are having an adventuresome winter break.
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