To answer Ina's question, yes, three of us did the ride on Bike Friday folding bikes. The bikes are made for touring and did a great job of it. Little Squid rode a Specialized Dolce road bike simply because he is still a bit too small for a Friday. If we do this again before he is big enough, we will try to get him a bike with fatter tires. He did fine on the skinny ones but they made for a slightly more nerve racking ride on the rough surfaces.
After a lovely night in the Belle Vernon Comfort Inn and a nice breakfast, we loaded our gear up and took off towards Mckeesport and the end of the trip.
Knowing that there were only about 27 miles ahead of us we figured that we would be back in Pittsburgh by noon or so.
The rest of the trip continued to be uneventful, even the road riding as we got into Mckeesport. We (thankfully) found the car right where we left it, just as we left it. I'd be lying if I told you that I wasn't a little bit worried about leaving it in a strange town for four days.
Once the car was packed up we called my brother and arranged to pick him up so that we could gain access to his home. Warm showers and cold drinks were followed by two lovely days with my brother and sister-in-law touring Pittsburgh and eating fantastic food. The tale of the days in Pittsburgh, however, will have to wait.
Total biking mileage: 137 miles over four days. Also, about 3 miles of hiking in Ohiopyle, a town I highly recommend for a weekend get away if your idea of a good time is hiking, biking, and rafting.
Over all, a highly successful trip, one that may spur other long distance biking trips though perhaps not as long distance as our Friday friends.
Knowing the location of good bathrooms, clean water, decent lodging, and ice cream- key components for a happy journey.
What a great tour, thanks for taking all of us along! Ending with ice cream is the best!! I've been wanting to try the C&O Canal -- seeing how nice the Allegheny Passage is has me dreaming of riding entire way from DC to Pittsburgh.
what a wonderful adventure! thank you for sharing. am curious, do you think i'm too small for a friday? must see if they let them w/o permits on the metronorth. that might make my life easier. i discovered that my bike is heavier than e's -- no wonder why i struggle to get it into and out of the car (yes we drive my bike places).
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