We tried to buy more but not one of the three music stores that we hit had oboe reeds. (We went to our favorite Woodwind and Brass store which sent us to Sam Ash which sent us to a different woodwind store. Seems there was a recent run on oboe reeds. No joke.) Squidette did, however, get her clarinet reeds and even got a new type to try. Also in the pile are a few pieces of music for Little Squid to play around with and figure out which one he wants to use to audition for camp. And some battery cases for electronics projects. Never say we don't know how to spend money!
Exhausted from our shopping we then had to take a break at the Charmin Restroom. Where Little Squid suffered the trauma of being locked in his stall. No kidding. He was pretty upset. But then he swung a little and recovered his equilibrium.