Lots of stuff on various topics today ...
No, I have not been neglecting Woven. Here she is in all her cardiganly goodness.
The lower portion of the front-back-front is about 1 inch short of the armholes. The next skeins have already been wound in anticipation of this dividing event. It is at this point that I realize that there is only one more skein of the ??? yarn ready for knitting. I had better do some serious spinning this weekend. Really, there is only a couple of hours worth of spinning left on the last bobbin and then, a marathon plying session. Yes, I am convinced that there will be more then enough to finish this project.
The Bee-Stripe socks are coming along but I am still on the first one. I did finish the latest pair of Plain Socks but (lots of buts today) they still need their ends hidden and a dropped stitch secured. I promise I will take care of it this weekend.
No, I have not been neglecting Woven. Here she is in all her cardiganly goodness.

We are all up and moving earlier then usual this morning. Will this translate in to leaving the house on time? Probably not. It seems that the more time we have in the morning, the more likely we are to futz around and get involved in various projects. My project this morning -- figure out why my clock radio is now set to a station broadcasting the BBC World news. I suspect that our local NPR may have changed their line up ...
And on the topic of NPR, I really like listening to it and it is my main car station when I am alone. When my favorite oldies station switched formats I decided to tune the clock radio to NPR. What I have discovered is that the mellow style of the NPR hosts tends to lull me in to a half-awake state and not really wake me up properly. This is both good and bad. I absorb some interesting news but I tend to have to rush through my morning ablutions.
To answer TCMcCormick's question of the other day -- Yes. The Chancellor has banned cell phones from NYC public schools. My answer as a parent -- when all of the payphones on the streets work and when schools have more then adequate phone service, then I will take my kids phones back and send them with quarters. Until then, my kids carry cell phones. My answer as his employee -- if I see a cell phone I will take it. I don't see many.
Dye-o-rama news -- I found the perfect box. We received a small shipment of Metrocards yesterday at school and the box is just the right size. Now to just remember to bring it home. I am still on target to get it out this weekend. Yea!!!
I really like the way that fabric is turning out. And I agree with (both) your position(s) on cell phones.
Isn't it a great feeling to be done and to ship that baby out in the mail?
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