Saturday, June 17, 2006

Before the Demolition

We are spending much of this weekend packing up in preparation for the renovations that will start on the 28th.
As promised, here are the before pictures with explanations. Wait six weeks or so for the after pictures.

This is the dining room / foyer area. The wall behind the ceiling fan (with the hummingbird painting) is the one that is coming down.

Here it is from it's other side, inside Female Child's room. It is the wall with the sunflower picture on it and it forms a small corridor in to her room. The new door will face where the sunflower picture is. The old door is out of the picture on the left. The large plant is named Brosin and is, I believe, a Dracinea. It was grown from a cutting from one that my mother-in-law had. There are two other Brosins in the apartment, one in the Male Child's room and one in my room. The other two were cut from this one. I suspect that this Brosin will get a massive "hair cut" after the construction. It hits the ceiling right now.

Female Child's windows. The shades were originally in our living room in a different apartment. They may be replaced. We are definately putting in curtains of some sort and a shelf will go above the windows so she can display her tchokes.

Female Child's closet. Note the door. The walls on either side of the door actually conceal the rest of the closet wherein lies the problem. The closet is almost unusable as is since we have to do some interesting feats of gymnastics to get anything on either side of the door. The walls are coming down and sliding doors are going up so that the entire closet will be usable.

Same thing in the Male Child's room. You can get a sense of the stupidity of the layout in this picture.

Both closets have to, obviously, be cleaned out as well as most of their belongings from the rest of the rooms. We have already moved the one of the big bookcases and the dresser out of the Female Child's room in to our room and placed a small bookcase from our room in to storage. We did not throw out the book case I mentioned the other day, we just relocated it in our room to make room for the dresser.

Unfortunately, cleaning and packing is taking precedence over biking today. Tomorrow, to no small extent, revolves around the Female Child's birthday Tea Party. She and Mike will decorate the cake later so look for pictures of it tomorrow.

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