See the lovely stitch markers? I won them in the Dye-O-Rama drawing as a participant who sent her yarn and had it received by the deadline. Yes, one is "pastel" and the other is dark, it is not the lighting. Please note that I still have not received any yarn from this swap and am feeling a bit put out. Everytime I start thinking about travel projects I dream of taking my swap yarn with me and know that is not happening. Pout.
The markers, however, are happily guarding the ribbed edge of CeCe which I have mentioned many times and never shown. Here she is in a close to finished state. There is one or two more days worth of work in her.
And here is my new dining room table! Complete with hand-woven placemats and our dinner reading material.
If you want to figure out who sat where ... I am reading the hardcover, Papa Squid is reading the sports section, Squidette is rereading some Oz (same side as the paper) and Little Squid is rereading some Hank Zipser. This arrangement proved to not work as both male are lefties and both females are righties. What happened was that all of our reading material wound up competing for space in the center of the table. Tomorrow we will go back to men on one side and women on the other.
(My book is Elizabeth Peter's "Lord of the Silent," if anyone cares. I have been listening to this series and this is the second book that is not offered in unabridged audio format so I am actually reading it. Barbara Rosenblatt narrates this series and I love the voices she puts to the characters, I am trying to keep her voice in my head as I read it. It seems that the next one is also offered only in abridged format so a trip to the library is in order to get the actual text before we leave for Kentucky.)
Tomorrow may see us decide on a new couch. If you are interested in seeing the contestants in this contest, click here. The couch on which both Little Squid and Papa are sitting on is leading in the polls. My sister-in-law thinks that the print is too space-age and I think that the plain fabric on all of the others is too boring. The sofa in question also has a recliner built in to it, as does the matching chair. This should increase the over all amount of seating in the living room as Papa Squid tends to sprawl his lower tentacles all over the couch, taking up all 3 spaces currently available. Check back tomorrow to see if we were able to commit!

(My book is Elizabeth Peter's "Lord of the Silent," if anyone cares. I have been listening to this series and this is the second book that is not offered in unabridged audio format so I am actually reading it. Barbara Rosenblatt narrates this series and I love the voices she puts to the characters, I am trying to keep her voice in my head as I read it. It seems that the next one is also offered only in abridged format so a trip to the library is in order to get the actual text before we leave for Kentucky.)
Tomorrow may see us decide on a new couch. If you are interested in seeing the contestants in this contest, click here. The couch on which both Little Squid and Papa are sitting on is leading in the polls. My sister-in-law thinks that the print is too space-age and I think that the plain fabric on all of the others is too boring. The sofa in question also has a recliner built in to it, as does the matching chair. This should increase the over all amount of seating in the living room as Papa Squid tends to sprawl his lower tentacles all over the couch, taking up all 3 spaces currently available. Check back tomorrow to see if we were able to commit!
I'm sorry you haven't received your yarn yet. It has been way too hot here to dye! Soon, soon...
Thank you angel. I am sorry for doubting you.
I like the plain couch because then you could KNIT some wild covers for throw pillows. Maybe some with a squid design?!
I loved furniture shopping with the squid family...seeing the excitement they all seem to have for their mission. :o)
Taking photos for later review is an excellent idea!
Sorry you've been having to wait. We've got yer back though! You'll enjoy your angel's yarn I promise :)
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