O.k., carding! Big, fluffy batts of carded pink Shetland wool. Yum! After 3 passes through my carder there are very few neps and most of them are so small that I am just leaving them in as I spin it. Love it!

On to today's bike ride. Today was meant to be a short ride, a stretch your legs and keep them nimble kind of ride and that is exactly what it was. You have got to love Manhattan on a late summer Monday morning. Traffic is light, pollution is low and it was relatively cool.

We started with our usual southern route. On the right is the world famous Stuyvesant High School. Possibly, the best high school in the country. Papa Squid teaches there. Mama and Papa Squid both graduated from it in 19XX. Mama Squid's younger sister and older-younger brother graduated from there as did Papa Squid's brother. Will Squidette and Little Squid go there? Admission is based soley on the results of one test taken on one day. So ... time will tell. Check with me in 3 years. (Bike Cam photo)

The Mariner's Memorial down in Battery Park. If you look closely you will see one sailor being pulled up out of the water. This monument is dedicated to all of the Mariners who gave their lives for our country.

View of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges as taken from the Bike Cam.

Papa Squid with the Bike Cam mounted on his Bike Friday.
At this point, just south of the Williamsburg Bridge, we decided to go home via the streets and Papa led us to ... Economy Candy. Surprisingly enough we had not made it there yet this summer. This is what kids in a candy store look like:

We left with one, very small, bag of candy. Really! We saved the big calories for Chocolate Haven at the end of the ride!

An old synagogue which is no longer serving in its original role.

When we left on what was supposed to be a 10-12 mile / 1-2 hour ride we knew that we had to be home in time for me to meet mom and little sis at noon. With the switch of route on to the streets our ride slowed somewhat and we arrived home at 11:25. A quick shower and change later ...

She could be my daughter ... one of these days I will get a picture of me, sis and Squidette so you can see the progression. Sis goes back to college on Saturday and we will miss her!
That spinning stuff scares me. I think I will just sit on the sidelines and cheer on the spinners.
The weather was great here yesterday..fall like. I hope that what I sent made it your way today. Terrific bike ride, what will you do when school starts? Will the bike rides end?
You're killing me. You know that, right? Pink fluff that will become yarn. /dies
Looks like a great bike ride. I'm not sure you could have gotten me out of that candy store. *L*
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