Why, you ask, did they venture that far uptown on two wheels? To train for the really long ride that they are hoping to do in a couple of weeks. And, because it was a new place to ride.
We are running out of time to get in shape for the New York Century, a 100 mile ride of which we are hoping to do the 35 mile portion. In less then a week Mama Squid returns to work and the squidlings resume camp for a single week. Papa Squid also goes back to work, but a bit later that same week. So, our weekday rides will be a thing of the past after Friday (Not counting Labor Day, of course). Since tomorrow is the annual "back to school" shopping expedition and Thursday the semi-annual family Dentist appointments ... There just is not much time left.
And so I give you the latest Bike Cam and Bike Cam 2 (Mama's bike-mounted camera) montages of today's trip.

Then, a lovely ride home following what is now a well worn route. Total mileage: 25.
And now the contest ... What will the total Squid Family mileage be for 2006? (Note that we are now up to 312 miles. Total mileage is in the sidebar.) We will declare biking season officially over as of Halloween for the purposes of this contest. Entries must be in the comments by 11:59 p.m. Friday, August 25, 2006. Closest guess wins a skein of Cherry Hill sock yarn and some other swag of my choosing.
As for fiber content ...
When we got home violin lessons were in order and Mama Squid did what Mama Squids do when their squidlings are taking music lessons -- she retreated to her spinning enclave on the balcony. Much of the fluffy pink stuff was turned in to thin pink singles. Yes Cookie, cotton candy can be spun. [grin]

My guess for the Squid Family total is 712 miles.
Where in Manhattan do you pick up that foot bridge to Randalls Island? That would be fun to walk across with my kids.
Yay! I can't wait to see what that fluff grows up to become.
Such a cute and fit family of Squid. I have no idea about miles. I just want to know how much chocolate was involved. *L*
My guess is 500 miles...those unimportant things like work and school are about to barge in big time.
I can't imagine spinning, but somehow reading about your time with the wheel today made me feel quite relaxed. My hair would look like the pink bat after sitting at the wheel that long...
I'm thinking 472. I have no idea why, it just popped in my head. I was going to try to be all scientific but I have enough trouble with Dave's arithmatic.
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