Today was all about wool off the hoof.

(But first a picture of Wool-on-the Squid (hoof) -- the smaller feet belong to Squidette and are decked out in Socks That Rock -- purchased before it became the big thing. No STR was purchased by a Squid today. I will not stand on a line that stretches from the front of the barn to the back of the barn. The Fold was empty by 2:00 -- and not a single skein of STR remained.)

One of the things I love about this festival is the drive up. The leaves are at their peak of color and it just feels like autumn.
A mere two hours after leaving home we rolled on to the quiet streets of Rhinebeck and indulged in a decadent breakfast at Pete's Famous.

Another momentary lapse had us parking at the more northern parking lot. Not really a big deal except that my Aunt, paying attention to my insistence that we always park in the southern lot, parked in the southern lot. We, of course, had to move stuff between the cars. In a day full of walking it was not a big deal but a bit silly none the less.
Entering the fairgrounds we immediately met with a sheep milk cheese vendor and three out of four Squid were in cheesy heaven. (Mama Squid tolerates their peculiarity much as they tolerate her obsession with things fibery.) Almost as immediately the Squid met up with good friends and started a long conversation. Let it be said that Mama Squid did not tolerate this at all ... there were no crowds yet ... the shopping had to begin! Since the other adult female was already off hitting the stalls, Mama Squid left the men and charged ahead trailing Squidlings behind.
The first purchase of the day was made very quickly -- a brushstrokes batt from Indigo Moon Farm -- 50% alpaca, 30 % merino, 20 % silk. Soon after two bunches of roving from The Wooly Hutch (destined for socks for Papa Squid) and another bump of Coopworth from Stefania for the never ending Mitered Jacket project

That was it for the fiber purchases. Yup -- nothing more. Really! We did get pickles, wine, cheese and fudge (of course!). We also noted where the Route 9 bike route was and may ride part of it next summer.

Much of the rest of the day was spent playing Blogger Bingo! The entire family got in to the act with Squidette being the main Square spotter. It was really cool to meet people that I only know through their blogs. It was also very satisfying to realize that people actually read what I have to write. More then a few people commented on the biking and one lurker introduced herself as a fellow geocacher who had managed to find one of our signature Z socks! (Jessica Z. of Experiments in Greed, come forward with your blog link!)
The game reached a frenzy with the Blogger meet-up. Papa Squid was kind enough to document

Bloggers met included (but are not limited to -- I did not write down everyone's name): Marilyn, Kirsten, Carol, Christine, Dana, Jessica, Chris, Stitchy herself, Elizabeth, Cathy, Jessica, Monica, Michelle, Julia, Iris, Hannah and many, many more. It was rather surreal for this shy squid to introduce herself to so many people. It was pointed out by my loving husband that had I been alone I would not have gotten a single square since I just did not want to bother anyone. He is probably correct. Fortunately I had him and the Squidlings along to force me to overcome my innate shyness.
I did not get a Bingo but it was still a whole lot of fun.

We have an idea for next year -- a variation on geocaching involving bloggers, small trinkets and logs (the written kind, not the wooden kind). It would solve the "oh, your not on my card" comments which were then followed by moving on to the next "square."

I think I wanna go next year.
I'm so glad that Team Squid had a good time, and very happy to know there was some form of chocolate encountered during your day.
I know what you mean about the shyness, but it's that one of the reasons for having Mike and the Squidlings? ;^)
And am I the only one that doesn't understand the whole thing about STR? I've heard something about a certain blogger pimping that stuff in her blog and it makes me wonder. Plus it's just sock yarn.
Yes, Squidette, I am going to hell...
It was so much fun to meet you! I am extremely shy and DH and my friend kept pushing me to ask if people were on my card.
I did write down the names of people not on my card so I can check out their sites but after 30 minutes of talking to so many people you just got overwhelmed and moved on quickly through the crowds.
I had just as much fun as you did. I can not wait for next year!!!
My little zygote of a blog is at It was so nice to meet you and the rest of the squid family. Your geocaching inspired game sounds like a great idea for next year. I can't wait!
Oh it sounds like such a good time for everyone! I probably would have been in the STR line. The colors are sooo vibrant. I'd be scared to knit with it, afraid that I would mess it up. Maybe it's just best to dream about it *G*
~~~waving to squidette!
Thank you for sharing your photos of the Rhinebeck Experience. I would have been one of those quiet people afraid to approach people with my bingo sheet.
Despite popular opinion, I really am a shy person.
I am embarrassed to admit that in the frenzy that was the blogger meetup I totally spaced on meeting you - I'm so sorry...go ahead and hate me now *hangs head in shame*
Oh, that looks like so much fun! I think I am most jealous of the autumn-ness of it all because we don't have that in California.
I love that the whole squid family got to enjoy themselves amongst the fiber fanatics. :-) And that's so cool that you met a geocacher who found one of your socks!
I am so glad I got to meet you! I had so much fun. I do wish Son has met the Mad Scientist, though!
It was so nice to run into you all. I didn't get Bingo either! Such is life, but we did score oodles of apples on our trip that for in the spirit of Fall and Halloween may coat in caramel and nuts. Yum!
Squid you were the first person on my card and remember I took three shots thinking my camera was broke, would you believe it actually did break, so I have no photos. Well, I say that because I saw a knitted sweater with a squid on it at Rhinebeck so I took a photo with the idea to email you and needless to say I got home and no photos from Rhinebeck. Sad, truly sad.
Oof! I am so jealous of you East-Coasters! All that pretty fall foliage!
Thank you for supporting Woolyhutch. How did the spinning go? Most folks would rather spin from roving, but batts is what I am able to do now. Presently, I am trying to find a fine fiber processor to blend the 'boys' fiber with fine wool.
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