Saturday, November 18, 2006

Two Squid Went for a Walk ...

And found lots of neat stuff while managing not to buy any yarn despite stopping in two yarn stores. We did, however, get lots of chocolate for gifts ... and for eating. Also obtained were a neat octopus/squid stamp and a new stamp pad for Squidifying outgoing packages. The stamp came in to our possession as we wandered down Eighth Avenue looking for a place to buy a pen so we could log a geocache. We did get a pen with the stamping supplies but never found the cache. (We think another cacher was retrieving it when we approached.)

Continuing our wanderings we secured a cute present for the elder sibling and supplies for making dinner as well as for setting out before the Thanksgiving feast. While ambling down Sullivan Street we found a store with yummy savory pastries and munched on chicken pies before hitting Purl and Purl Quilts where Squidette saw the quilt she wanted to make. She is busy cutting away as I type this.

My "can't do anything right" phase seems to be over and I have successfully installed some of my more difficult-to-get-working applications on my new computer. I still have the GPS software to install so I may have just jinxed it. Printers, however, are still not accessible but I am leaving that issue to the Master since they are networked and he is the network admin and all around computer guru. (Who doesn't do Windows and hence despises my machine which must run Windows for work purposes.)

Yes, Squidette and I are supposed to cook dinner. Do I hear the sounds of laughter from far and wide? We are making chicken parmigania and she is leading since I have never cooked this. My intent was to make Chicken with a Mustard Shallot sauce but it seems that the cookbook with this recipe is at my sister-in-laws following the Great Apartment Purge of ’06. I, of course, am too chicken to wing it.

[Somewhat later due to Blogger issues ... The dinner was edible but was not quite as good as what Mike makes. (We all admit this.) Good man that he is, he did some of the clean up. Usually when I cook I have to clean as well while when he cooks ... I clean. I accept this inequity in the interest of edible and yummy food on my plate.]


Ann said...

It sounds like you had quite a day...I look forward to seeing the quilting project progress photos.

Susan said...

Oh what a great day! and to go to Purl and Purl Quilts. Whoa...lucky ones. Can't wait to see what the Squidette has chosen.

Congrats on getting the stuff on your computer. I ran a Mac for years and when it finally died, I was gifted with this no-longer-needed Gateway. Sorry but PCs just scare me. *G*

Anonymous said...

Dinner was more than edible, it was yummy! So dad's is still better, but ours is almost as good.

Anonymous said...

"Too cicken to wing it" ... ha! A very clever turn of phrase, that.
