I love to spin but have done very little of it this week due to our travels. Currently, I own three wheels and a charka as well as sundry and assorted spindles.
Dave recently asked for opinions on the
Journey Wheel and I chirped in with mine. Short version, noisy but I love it. During last summer's renovations it was the only wheel I had accessible and so I did a fair amount of spinning on it. Usually I save it for plying and it makes a great side-table next to my knitting chair.

My other wheels are my Minstral,

and my Louet S-10 which now kind of belongs to Squidette and is buried in the back of a closet where I cannot easily take a picture of it. It went there last summer and I have yet to excavate all that was stored in that closet.
charka, also a Journey Wheel (notebook size). Love it! I may even take it traveling with me this summer.

Also on the spinning front ...

our new bike trainer. The old one bit the dust right before the break. You should know that I spin while I spin. I have a spindle project that is designated specifically for exercise time. I picked up this roving in Lancaster, PA last summer and am just about ready to start the third spindleful.

In my purse and designated for laundry time is one of my
Bosworth spindles with some lucious silk on it. I started this silk two years ago and recently decided to fast track it so that I could rip the shawl I started and restart with
Eunny's Print O' the Wave pattern. I am thinking that it would be a good carry-along during our travels this summer.

Yes, we are already thinking summer here at Casa del Calamar. Since Squidette did not make it in to the program she was trying for, we have decided to dispense with camp and spend the money on travel instead. Montreal and the surrounding area is leading in the polls due to the extensive bikeways present in Quebec. It would also give the kids a chance to finally use their passports. Add to that a trip out "west" to Indiana (and Kentucky if my brother-in-law stays put) and our annual jaunt to Pennsylvania Dutch Country and the summer is filling up nicely. My sister tells me that her town has added miles and miles of bike paths so another journey to New Hampshire should also be in order. I'm getting excited just typing this! Now to figure out what knitting to take ...
For you long haired bikers out there ... how do you get your hair off your back without interfering with your helmet? Cutting is not an option right now. On the trainer I can pin it up but then I do not bother with a helmet on the trainer since there is no way the bike can fall.
OMG! THANK YOU for posting those photos. Now I can see the details even better. And I also want the chair in the background to go with it. ;-) That really IS my wheel, that's the one for me for traveling.
Yours has developed a nice patina already. It's so rich looking.
Sounds like a great summer to me! And I loved seeing your wheels.
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