Squidette and I hit the shoe store yesterday in an effort to get strappy sandals for the upcoming wedding. On our way, we happened down the block with the snake.

And then discovered, two trees later,

an Orangatan.
We continued on to Union Square and did not come across anything else considered photo worthy. We did, however, manage to score sandals for both of us. Woo Hoo! These are Squidette's first pair of heels. Eek! Also acquired were dressy handbags. And so, with Papa having tried on his tuxedo (it fits), we are ready! I even know where his cuff links are!

(My dress)
Now to just choose the knitting for the weekend.

This won't do because I expect to finish it this week. I figure that even on heavy painkillers I should be able to handle simple stockinette and ribbing. And, hopefully, I won't need the big guns for the pain. Got to love a doctor who writes the post-op prescriptions ahead of time so you don't have to stagger to the pharmacy after the fact and wait in pain ... shades of my c-section. (O.k., Mike went to the pharmacy but I had to wait, in pain.)
Now, everyone focus their love on
Susan today! Fingers are crossed on this coast.
Thanks for the NYC photos a few posts back! I always enjoy seeing your rides (here we have trees and more trees, LOL).
I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hoping everything goes smoothly, and you are not in too much pain.
What a good doc. :D
I hope it goes well and you don't have a long recovery. Ouch! Thinking of you. Love your dress for the wedding.
Ok, I'm am light years behind. You're in pain? Still? And Susan? Well, I'll read that next. Been dealing w/ my own pain and keeping head above water, so behind - again - but not pleased to learn I've been SO remiss while trying to get care packages packed in between my life's circles.
Btw.. LOVE the dress. And Double EEKKK to little Squids first heels. Omgosh how I remember my first pair of cool strappy sandles with heels. Post pictures!
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