(For those of you unacquainted with the Publishing Party, this is what elementary schools do to celebrate the childrens' work. They get the parents into the classroom where we can see what wonderful work our kids are doing. We also get snippets of time with the teachers if we so choose. My mother-in-law used to go to about half of them for me but I have made all but one in the almost two years since she died. Last year I was at one practically every other week when both kids were in the same school. No, I am not unhappy that middle schools do not follow this practice.) I go because it brings a huge smile to the face of my child. That makes it totally worth it.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Winging It
I'm winging it. There I said it. The fates have been tempted. After two swatches -- where my stitch count decreased instead of increasing -- I have decided to just go down one more needle size and get started.
You are all laughing at me. I know. It's o.k. I have no fear of ripping back, just a loathing of swatching yet again.
This will be the "Perfect Periwinkle turtleneck tube vest" from Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel. Yes, it requires either a lot of self-confidence, or a strapless bra. Heck, I have to get one for my brother's wedding anyway. Yeah, at 40 I have no delusions about the state of my upper torso. And no, I will not let my new plastic surgeon at them. He can stick to repairing my face, thank you very much.
Little Squid had a Math Project publishing party today. His group's project? Figure out how much paper (8.5 X 11) would be needed to cover Central Park. And then find out how much it would cost using the least expensive supplier and including the shipping. Their final cost? Something like $210,000 using 50,000 reams of paper. They did not take the contour of the land in to account. Or the fact that the paper covering the lake would sink ...
This was from Tuesday's Social Studies publishing party. I missed Tuesday's party because he gave me the notice on Monday night and I really could not get away from work on that little notice. O.k., I could have but I am trying to preserve good will right now after taking bits of time here and there in the month since my little incident. I try not to take advantage of my bosses good nature -- and I have made it to every other publishing party in the last two years. And there is another publishing party next week.
(For those of you unacquainted with the Publishing Party, this is what elementary schools do to celebrate the childrens' work. They get the parents into the classroom where we can see what wonderful work our kids are doing. We also get snippets of time with the teachers if we so choose. My mother-in-law used to go to about half of them for me but I have made all but one in the almost two years since she died. Last year I was at one practically every other week when both kids were in the same school. No, I am not unhappy that middle schools do not follow this practice.) I go because it brings a huge smile to the face of my child. That makes it totally worth it.
Cool tree. Just thought you'd like to see it. One of the street trees near Little Squid's school.
Hey, she didn't flinch when she saw I was posting it ...
(For those of you unacquainted with the Publishing Party, this is what elementary schools do to celebrate the childrens' work. They get the parents into the classroom where we can see what wonderful work our kids are doing. We also get snippets of time with the teachers if we so choose. My mother-in-law used to go to about half of them for me but I have made all but one in the almost two years since she died. Last year I was at one practically every other week when both kids were in the same school. No, I am not unhappy that middle schools do not follow this practice.) I go because it brings a huge smile to the face of my child. That makes it totally worth it.
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Have you tried going up in needle size, sweetie?
Yay for Little Squid!
Personally, I think you should be milking the whole face ouchie thing, but we already know that I'm a bad influence. ;^)
I'm just proud that you swatched, even if they didn't come out the way you'd planned.
Yay for publishing parties. I wish they'd had them when I was in school.
waving at all the Squids.
You paid your swatch dues, so you should be fine. :)
I have to ask this: how do you feel about the plastic surgeon's office? I went two weeks ago to have a facial mole removed, and sitting in a waiting room with pamphlets that promised to remake my every limb and then some kind of creeped me out. But maybe it's must me.
Your squids are very fortunate to have a mom that attends all their school functions. I always felt bad for the kids whose parents couldn't be bothered. I think their self-confidence really suffered for it.
Hey! Why me? Why not little Squid?
Oh, and I didn't see you putting it up. Or I don't remember it.
Hey! Why me? Why not little Squid?
Oh, and I didn't see you putting it up. Or I don't remember it.
The color of your new swatch is really pretty! I enjoy reading about your bike rides in the city. I'll have my first NYC ride May 6th...the 5 Boro Tour! Can't wait!
Whoa .. little Squid has grown. Love the picture of Squidette, my long legged little friend. Ok.. I give.. WHERE is the post that tells me about the plastic surgeon and what has transpired from the bike accident??? LOL@ upper torso at forty. Shush! You're in GREAT shape! Just GET a good pushup strapless. I'm WAY older than you!
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