It has been a busy week here at Chez Squid. On Wednesday, Squidette made her debut as first clarinet/concert mistress for the grade 6 A band. On Thursday, Little Squid made his concert debut on the flute in the 4th grade band and Squidette helped to beef up the 6 B band (it's smaller then the 6 A band and needed a few more players). Friday saw Little Squid strutting his stuff in this school's annual
NDI performance. The dance totally suited Little Squid's frentic nature. Pre and post dance events also allayed any concerns I had about him being too introverted. As soon as we got to venue he took off after his friends in a manner that I can only describe as "totally boy." Today we caught him emailing a
girl! My mother-in-law would be happy -- the girl is Jewish. *g* Hey, he's known her since age 4. Think this could go somewhere?
After returning from our late evening -- had to get dinner with friends after the performance -- I found a huge box on my doorstep. Inside were all these goodies from

Yummy fudge and chocolate covered pretzels and candy and fuzzies and girly stuff and ... lots and lots of stuff. Some of it has been distributed to the shorter Squid ...

and some has been set aside for me! Thank you Sprite!!!
The NDI program looks like fun. (I am still trying to figure out what your daughter is holding!)
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