Last year we rode in the 2nd annual Tour de Brooklyn and it was good. Not, however, as good as this year. In 2006 we were in the early stages of becoming Team Squid. Now we are a fully formed cycling squad and have our routines down pat. Schmeared with sunblock and donning sunglasses (and regular glasses that darken in the sun) we loaded the bikes. We now allways ride with a small first aid kit (our umbrella against minor wounds) and my knitting (the umbrella against major wounds). Four out of seven water bottles hold Accelerade on long rides (the other three hold water), and we have muffins, banana bread and granola bars in a panier (saddle bag). The only thing we lacked this time was toilet paper. Note to self -- toss a partial roll into the panier.
How does a properly equipped team of Squid get to the 3rd annual Tour de Brooklyn? They ride, of course! Thus upping the total mileage for the day to ... 35 miles.
Riding newly minted bike paths in Manhattan, we headed over the Brooklyn Bridge to Grand Army Plaza where we signed in and waited to ride.
Since we were rolling for almost the entire time, there is a paucity of photographs. What there is can be found here.
All in all, a very good day.
Looks like another great ride for you guys. :D
What a great trip. And you had wonderful weather for it, too.
Hmmm...maybe you need a cam, like the turtle cam. A bike cam? Using WiFi???
I'm so glad ya'll got to actually ride this time.
Now that is more like it - a bigger tour is not always better!
Looks like you had a great time! I'm sorry I missed the fun.
Hooray for Team Squid and the Great Brooklyn Ride of '07!!! If I'd known, I'd-a had my daughter head over to Prospect Park and cheer you on. She, too, loves Brooklyn with all her heart.
Thanks for the great links about NY! I so would like to visit some day! :-)
It seems like the Squid Family had some great time! :-))
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