And while they were playing, they were thoughtful enough to provide me with blog fodder.
First (because that is how the pictures loaded and I am too tired to rearrange them) a tour of Central Park as seen from a row boat.

Bow Bridge with the
Dakota (of John Lennon fame) in the background. The Dakota is the short building with the 3 dormers. Read through the link -- it has some really great information and much better photos.
A plethora of turtles.

San Remo Apartments. This is the building that many assume is the
Ghostbusters building. In reality, that distinction goes to
55 Central Park West.
View of the ever famous Squidlings, attempting to row the boat.
Papa Squid rowing. (He was actually a very happy Squid and not as grim as he appears -- rowing is hard work!)After rowing, a trip to
FAO Schwarz was in order and the squidlings were free to choose something as a "hey, you did a great job in school this year" gift (NOT a reward.) They actually did not find anything they wanted here but did get some great LEGO photo ops. (A toy
was procured at a less exclusive toy store further downtown.)

Continuing on the way home, they stopped in at
Myzel's to get cookies. Mike chatted with the owner and had a lovely conversation. She in turn gave the kids some chocolate. No, they didn't bring any home for me. (In their defense, it was in the 90s today so the chocolate would not have survived the walk home.)
And a great time was had by all. (Except Mama, who had to work.)
Looks like the squids had quite a nice day. But do not fear that they will have all the fun! It is Friday!! Yay!!!
What a fun day! And now I've had a fun morning following links as I ate breakfast. *G*. Hey,'s Friday! May it go quickly and smoothly.
Papa looks much happier!
Sounds like you missed out on a lot of fun, sweetie. I hope they make it up to you. Plus chocolate!
You know, I love my life, I truly do. But when I see photos like these, I just think "I want to be a Squid! I want to be a Squid!"
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