Yesterday we discovered that there are bike racks right outside of Little Squid's "camp." So today, we rode him up there and figured out how to lock up his bike. Unfortunately for him, his bike has a quick release on the seat post and we are paranoid parents so he had to take the seat and post inside with him. Apparently this led to so many questions that he does not want to have to bring it in again. We did try to get a non-quick release but it turned out to be too small so we will bring the entire bike in to a shop on Thursday and find a solution. He did enjoy the ride and if Squidette is willing to oblige, this will be a regular way of getting to camp. Her program is 10 blocks from his so we will probably lock the bikes together by his program and walk her up to her program. She is due at her program later then he is and she gets out earlier so it works all around -- as long as a parent cycles with the violin on their back.
And so, if things go the way we would like, you will see the Squid on Wheels totals going up about 11 miles a day a few times a week. The adults are actually doing twice that -- if not more.
Meanwhile ... as we were heading home the first time, we spotted a baby bird on the ground. It kept flopping over and we could not figure out where its nest was so I scooped it up and put it in a tree box so it would not get stepped on. When we came back at the end of the day, the bird was gone from the tree box and all of a sudden we spotted this:

see the nest poking out from behind the sign? What we first spotted were two baby birds being fed by mama on the other side of the sign but by the time I got my camera out, they had gone back into hiding.

These flowers were spotted "growing" along 19th street as we headed for ice cream sandwiches. Nothing worth writing home about but they were decent.

And then we have these -- Go With the Flow socks from
Favorite Socks. No, I did not whip these up in record time, I started them a
very long time ago.
There you have it. Knitting, biking and a bit of my neighborhood. Have a Happy 4th!
That's a nice way to get extra mileage in.
Great Socks! :D
Thanks again for sharing your ride and camp photos. I am getting to see so much more of NY and I love hearing about your adventures. I'm curious to see how that pumpkin growing is going to work too!!! Fascinating!
Ya'll make me tired from just reading about your adventures!
I'm glad the baby bird found it's way home.
Great socks!
It's awesome that there are more bike lock areas. I'm paranoid about my quick release seat/wheel too and have yet to ride anywhere that I'd have to lock and leave the bike. Which kinda defeats it's purpose a bit. Hmm...
Wonderful socks!
Love those "flowers"!
I also love that your family consistently and consciously puts the effort into riding (and thus getting good heart exercise). You are models for the healthy American family. Go Squids!
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