The living room is done! It is clean and white and fairly empty looking without my wheels. I'll have to take care of that.

The new wall of books and stuff. Please note that I moved
all of the books in the two tall cases from the bedroom into the living room all by myself. That is not to disparage Papa Squid. He was braving the heat and humidity riding his bike to retrieve the Squidlings from camp. I am better at efficiently cleaning up for Maria (no jokes about cleaning for the cleaning lady -- this place was in a major state of disarray) and he rides faster then I do so the split was natural.
Note the absence of the rug. I took it upon myself to throw it out. After almost 12 years it was stained to the point where it could no longer be totally cleaned. As long as it was on the floor we were not motivated to go out and find a new one. Hopefully this will spur us on.
Oh, and my
obnoxious brat wonderful, sweet dear of a daughter has had the temerity to grow in every direction requiring us to raise the seat on her bicycle, purchase a larger violin and go shopping for well, uh ... I promised I would not specify the type of clothing she just out grew.
In other news, I have been weaving again on my Hazel Rose looms. My goal is 256 square equivalents (2 triangles = 1 square) for a spread for my bed. I have just over 100 at this point.

All of the pieces are from my own handspun, the lumpier stuff. I expect to full them a bit before joining but we will see when I have all 256.
Did anyone else hear about the
earthquake in Japan and the resulting radioactive spill into the Sea of Japan and think "Godzilla!"? (Then my brain clicked into a more politically correct "oh my" mode.)
It looks great. White, but great! And the two narrower-depth book cases to the left of the door are a nice choice. Perfect height, but less depth, more light.
For the carpet, how about a berber area run in an oatmeal color? It'll give texture and color, but won't matt down like traditional broadloom carpets.
It's looking great so far.
so different than the room I saw Friday afternoon! I like! Poor Squidette ... probably having to ask her mum to go shopping.. i'm blushing just THINKING about that time of my life. give her a hug for me.
I like it sans rug!
That handspun looks familiar.. but what did i just email you about other fibrey temptations??? ;)
[i might have to clean for my inlaws to bring in guests to use the building's pool on thursday. AAAHCK!]
Good job! I like Dave's idea about the oatmeal berber rug. Seems like it would lighten the room a bit more but wouldn't compete with the other textures that I see. But then...I'm not on HGTV giving advice so you might want to ignore any I share *G*
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