West Virginia ... (with apologies to John Denver) now keep the tune in your head as you read the rest of the post ...
All those tunnels leading through the mountains. (In Pennsylvania)
Live is good here, prices are so low,
Dinner ran us less then New York don't you know.
Minivan, take me West
To a place, I can bike,
May I be the first native of Wheeling WV to welcome you to my hometown!
It is mandatory to sing the John Denver song when crossing the border. I'm glad to see you complied with State Regulation #1.
Ohhhh! A Squid Road Trip--enjoy!
Oh man, you are making me sooo homesick for the mountains.
I grew up not to far from Lehigh Tunnel.
I have interesting memories of those tunnels. What a lot of fun Squids have. I look forward to the rest of your journey and John Denver would be proud to know that even Squids know the song.
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