Yea! I have a brand new computer!!! Nothing was wrong with my old one but it was a loaner and it was time to finally get my very first brand new computer. Yea!!! I figured out what I needed in a machine -- lots of memory for audiobooks and photos and a very small footprint -- and with some help from Mike, finally bought it. Woo and Hoo!!!
I have pictures from Sunday's bike ride but they are still on my old machine. I'll retrieve them, probably, tomorrow after I remember to bring home my thumb drive from work (so that I can move all my files over). Tonight is for downloading my software and playing a bit with my built-in web cam.

Cool, huh?!
YAY! Happiness ...
(oy, now I have snoopy songs in my head. I was almost snoopy in the 7th grade. *sigh*)
ohhhhh congrats!! And will we get to see this new member of the family so we can be jealous?? *G*
VERY cool! Congrats!
YAY and congratulations on the newest member of the Squid family! LOL!
Have fun with the new toy!
Congratulations on the new computer! It's always fun to get a new toy!
Congrats on the new toy. Any links or photos of the new arrival?
Woo Hoo!
Congrats on the new baby!
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