Two, count them, two other bloggers awarded me the "You Make My Day" award, citing my NYC posts among other things. Thanks Cat and Dee! You two made my day!
With this award comes the obligation to bestow it on others.
So, in no particular order ...
Susan for giving me a glimpse of life in Oklahoma and for being a shoulder to cry on when I really needed it.
Cookie for her no-holds barred approach to griping about life. Sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. She is also an amazing fast and amazingly good knitter.
Sarah for inspiring me on the biking front as well as on the knitting front. Her pictures make me really want to bike in New England.
Debby, another cycling knitter for organizing the Tour de France knit-along this summer. The day-by-day summaries were a must read for the entire Tour.
Kristen, yet another cycling knitter (see a trend here) for inspiring me to get off my rear and work on preventing osteoporosis.
Dave, for his amazing photography and way of spinning a tale. Love that Ms. Lulu.
There are so very many blogs in my google reader, but these are just a few that I make sure to click through to every day. Thank you all for making my day!
Aaaw, thanks Devorah. Your words are a timely pick-me-up - thank you for making my day.
Hey, what a nice surprise to start the weekend! Thank you for that, and the feeling is mutual.
Thank you, Devorah, and thank you for making my day. ♥
Thank you so much Devorah! And thanks for listening to me blather and for sharing your NYC photos with me.
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