So here it is. Corriadale purchased from Stefania's Handpaints, two years ago at New York Sheep and Wool. It is a lofty, two ply, worsted weight and is not totally evenly spun. There is more of the roving in the stash and I think that will be my next spinning project. It is, as Dave calls it, "chubby" yarn -- at least for me. Recently, I've taken Dave's approach to predrafting and have been doing a very large amount (though not all) of it before sitting down to spin. My prior approach was to draft out length of roving, spin, draft, spin, etc. Basically, since I do not spin very often, I did not want to wind up with lots of delicate, predrafted stuff loose in the apartment. My new approach is actually forcing me to spin more since I still do not want to have the predrafted stuff around for any length of time. Too many bodies in this place to accidentally mess it up.
Behind the yarn, in the photo, is a bit of the Rat Scarf. 3 rats down, 5 to go.
Such a pretty color. What will it be when it knits up?
OOOhhh... hope you are enjoying a visit inside the NHM away from the cold cruel wind...
Love that plummy depth of color!
That looks so soft and squishy (in a GOOD way)! Great color, too.
Very pretty!
Oh I like it, both the color and the general appearance. It looks comfy! The rat scarf is too funny. I can't wait to see what it looks like all done.
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