Dave asked for a close up of the weave structure of the

It is a basic tabby cloth -- the easiest to weave on my rigid heddle loom. I can do other weaves and have a second heddle and heddle blocks but decided (after experimentation) that one heddle was plenty for me. Eventually I will get a larger loom with more variation but, for now, my
Kromski Harp does exactly what I want to do.
On the gardening front, I made my second "major" tomato harvest. (The first harvest was last week and was served up barely cooked with some yummy cured meat and pasta.)

The big one is a Patio, the yellows are yellow plums and the smaller red ones are Tiny Tims. Below, one of the tinier Tiny Tims.

Yes, it is sitting on a quarter. And would have fit on a dime. It was delicious!
grr. those prices don't look too bad. don't answer my question of "hmm.. i cleaned under the bed. would it fit there next to the bassoon?
i hit "go" too fast.
up close it's even more beautiful. very very nice. squidette has a very special gift.
i'm jealous of your tomatoes. i wish we had a bit of space outdoors.
I too am jealous of your tomatoes. Here in the frozen north, they don't usually ripen till September.
"Hey, lady! Nice tomatoes!" Ahem.
Thanks for the close up of the weave. It's even more beautiful when you can see the detail. It really is a special piece. And your weave is to even, both warp and weft.
We are harvesting hot peppers like they are going out of style.
The littlest tomato is ADORABLE.
It really is beautiful. More so up close.
Fab 'maters!
Prayer silk tallit may have stripes made of blue woven into the material and, among less orthodox sects, may also have stripes of maroon, white, purple, gold, silver, rainbow, pink and combinations of colored stripes with metallic threads.
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