We went fabric shopping today at City Quilter (I needed to make pillow cases for the couch pillows) and Little Squid became entranced with the needle felting kits. So ... I bought him one. No, it was not a Squid.
It was ...
Which, after Squidette saw how quickly it was made ...
And ... a Squid! Of his own design.
I think I have an addict on my hands. He now wants to try his hand at a dolphin and an elephant. My fiber stash is in danger ...
Squidette, meanwhile, made some more progress on her quilt after acquiring an edging and backing fabric.
Me? I did some work while they were all at a violin recital rehearsal. These socks? I finished them a couple of days ago. The top one shows the true color. The bottom one shows just how badly I screwed up the pattern at one point.
Yarn is home spun corriedale. 48 stitches around on size 2 lace-addi turbos. Which get really cold when you knit with them outdoors in 30 or so degree weather.
The penguins are adorable!!!
I can't imagine how cold those Addis felt. Your socks look nice and warm though.
Your kids are so talented! Guess it's true about the apple not falling far from the tree :-)
Cute needle felted critters! I hear it can be an addictive hobby. Not unlike knitting.
The problem with raising fiber enthusiasts is they immediately start casting covetous eyes at Your Stash. Helping them acquire their own stash is the only solution, except that it leads to you casting covetous eyes at Their Stash, which leads to intergenerational squabbling on occasion.
Awww...those penguins are so sweet! Love the NYC quilt too and and the socks. What great winter activities you are up to!
Oh dear. So far I've avoided the penguins, but PG was looking over my shoulder.. you know I still have some purple roving left. She wants a little sister. *sigh* ;)
I've not been to City Quilter yet... I should.
And I wish I had your freedom to pair fabrics together. My slowly growing fabric stash doesn't know what to do with itself.
You're all so talented and creative over there. I bet those socks will felt a bit as you wear them.
I've only needlefelted flat things, but after seeing these guys I just may have to try 3D. So cute! And of course, created by such fiber artists! Y'all are just too cool.
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