No, not that kind of cobblestone (tho that is the first paved street in NYC) but rather the sweater kind.
Yes, it is big. It was knit with (all mothers repeat after me) "room to grow." That's my story and I'm sticking with it! Really!
Guess what? Yup, we found my camera. Right after I had managed to justify buying a new one if it didn't appear by tomorrow. Mike had the brilliant idea of lifting the couch. And there it was. Despite my having looked under there several times. Either it was not actually there the first seven times I looked or, it was wedged between the cushions and finally worked it's way through. (Our couch has double recliners built in so if you stick your hand between the cushions you encounter floor. If you reach deep enough.)
Congratulations! Your son will appreciate that 'room to grow' as he will be able to wear Cobblestone for at least a couple of years. Though they do grow so fast...
You know that one day soon, Little Squid will put on Cobblestone and it'll be too small! Little Squids do turn into Big Squids awfully quickly! The sweater looks great!
It looks good, and I think he'll grow into it quickly.
Oh I love it. And I'm glad you're following that mom adage. I know mine did. One year it was too big, the next year just right, and that 3rd year. Well depends on what it was. Sometimes that was the end of it.
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