At 7:30 a.m. yesterday morning, the outside temperature registered 51 degrees and the forecast was for a high in the 60s. The kids and I donned our riding gear (o.k, I donned my riding gear, they ride in street clothes), loaded panniers and backpacks and set off for band practice and work.
We rode all of 2 blocks before Squidette proclaimed "we are definetely riding tomorrow." And then "I am so glad we didn't drive!"
Me too.
We had a lovely ride uptown and then Mike rode uptown to join us and we all rode home together, taking a detour to avoid all the "first nice day" recreation riders in Central Park.
This morning Squidette woke up feeling a bit under the weather but had chirped up enough by 10:00 to saddle up for a quick ride to the Manhattan Fairway Market.

I got to wait with the bikes while the kids and Mike went inside for provisions.

The greenway is now open from 125th Street to 135th (or so) making for a much nicer waiting spot then the parking lot.

The ride uptown was tough as we were fighting a serious headwind but the ride back was lovely. Until I went to put up Little Squid's bike.

Did I mention that I had to raise both their seats by at least an inch?

His is just barely fitting on the rack now. There is about 1 inch between the seat and the ceiling which does not bode well for the rest of the summer. The next time we raise his seat we will have to come up with other storage plans ... or have to lower the seat after every ride.
I think his legs must be longer then Squidette's were at this age. We never had this problem when she rode this bike.
Total weekend milage: 24.8 miles
YTD: 24.8 miles
Average: 12.4 over 2 rides.
Both kids are hoping for nice weather next weekend so we can do it again!
I had to biggety click on the photo to see what was holding that bike up there..thought it was some sort of math magic :-) So glad you had a good ride. And hopefully many more to come soon.
Growing like weeds, aren't they? :D
Wasn't the weather amazing this weekend for a ride? Chris had a race so I didn't ride outdoors myself yet, but I hope to soon. I'm so glad you and your family were able to enjoy it!
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