For this year's 4th we put our own spin on patriotism.

We rode our bikes and had a picnic breakfast at the Harlem Fairway ...

Mike and Little Squid continued learning how to play a
symbol of American folk music ...

We all got excited at the prospect of a fire works barge visible from our apartment ...

Mama played her Little Sis in Wii tennis ... (finally, someone I can beat!)

We watched a lovely sunset as the barge floated in and out of view ...

And finally, we enjoyed a spectacular fireworks display on the Hudson River.
(There was also some shopping (Mama Squid, Little Sis, Squidette and Grandma Squid), some
show-going (Grandpa Squid and Little Squid) and some computer repair (Papa Squid). All in all, a good day!
Did PapaSquid get to have any fun? Or was it all music lessons and computer repair? ;^)
Looks and sounds like a wonderful day!
Sounds like lots of fun! my mom would love to come listen to everyone practice the new stringed instrument. She LOVES it. I haven't listened to it in years and only didn't like it because she loved it. ;) (I was, at times, a typical teenager) Glad to hear you had a wonderful day!
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