We first made a quick trip to Ikea to get this flooring. I've been lusting after it for a few years but each time I tried to get it, I waited too long and they were sold out. This time, however, we scored. (We will not discuss the cost of the scoring, I'm just adding it to the figures for last year's renovation.)
Above is the "before" and below, the "after" even though it is not all laid yet. Some heavy moving has to be done before I can finish the job. Mike has a friend who will cut the partial tiles for me so I will not have to wield my hack saw.
On other fronts, I finally finished my ruffled Marietta Rib Socks from Cool Socks, Warm Feet. The are worked in Regia Silk and feel so cozy on my feet. The cuffs are shorties so that I can be comfy while cycling (if I can every find bike shoes that work over handknit socks.)