Over the last year or so I have allowed my hair to get fairly long. Initially this was due to simple procrastination. Then I really got to like how it looked long. Now I am growing it with a purpose in mind and I am committed to keeping my hair long at least through the summer -- but when I cut it, I still want to be able to cut off 10 inches or more and have the remainder still be long. So, this has become a major commitment.
Whenever my hair begins to get long, I start playing with it. This week, in order to get my hair off my neck in the afternoon, I twisted it up and stuck two knitting needles in it. It worked! This made me think that I might finally be able to successfully wear hair sticks. Yesterday I invested in a couple of cheap pair and managed to keep my hair in a neat twist with them for several hours. Rah!
This evening, Squidette asked me to try it with her hair. Her hair has also gotten fairly long due to my habit of procrastination.
(Interesting how the Little Squid is the only person in this family that I feel I must drag to the barber on a regular basis.)And here you go ... Big mommy, little mommy.

Now to do some shopping on Etsy! There are some neat hair sticks there.