Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Back to Work

Gee, I titled another post with this -- probably right after mid-winter break -- oh well, I think it is o.k. to reuse blog titles. After all, the title is the hardest part. Right?

Please remind me to stay in bed on the Monday after a school break. Inevitably I walk in to ... you really do not want to know what. From now on I will not even pretend to do anything other then collect "what the contractors did this weekend" data on a Monday. This will apply for the next 2 years. Blah. (FYI, my school building is undergoing MAJOR renovations and I am the point person for all complaints from the staff regarding the contractors and visa versa hence the throwaway comments about contractors and such. At least until the renovations on my apartment start in July. Anyone want to adopt me?) For the record ... Things are much better then I initially feared ... so far.

Here is the first Pomatomous sock and the next plain sock. Much progress was made on the plain sock during a lovely clarinet and piano concert that I attended on Saturday.My foot is mostly better -- still a bit achy in work shoes but fine in sneakers / hiking shoes. I am grateful for small things like this. While sitting with ice on the injured limb, I did much web shopping and am now waiting for a too large shipment from Knitpicks. The Palette sampler box caught my eye and then my credit card. I am knitting as fast as I can in anticipation of soon being overwhelmed with LOTS of yarn.

Happy knitting!

Monday, April 24, 2006

Back to Work

What did I accomplish over the last week and a half?
Did I write the Guide to Character socks? Nope
Did I use up massive amounts of yarn? Nope
Did I spend lots of quality time with my family? Yup.

We went hiking / geocaching and found 4 more caches. We did the tourist thing with family from out of town. We spent sunny days in the playground and rainy days cleaning the apartment. Female child and I did a proper Tea.

We are all moving slowly this morning as we attempt to get back in to the swing of things. By the time next week rolls around we should be ready to tackle the "worst-two-weeks-of-my-year.*" I already have a knot in my stomach but this, too, will pass as it always does.

No pictures today but trust me when I say that I finished the first Pomatomous sock and am ready to turn the heel on the next plain sock. I also added a square or two to my sweater(?) and am contemplating how to insert armholes given that I went with an odd number of mitered squares instead of an even one. I also think I have found a pattern or two to go with my Jacob yarn.

Have a happy Monday.

(*Defined as: the period of time in which Devorah supervises the administration of the Advanced Placement exams in her school and follows all of the rules and regulations and keeps the staff and students relatively happy without losing her mind.)

Back to Work

What did I accomplish over the last week and a half?
Did I write the Guide to Character socks? Nope
Did I use up massive amounts of yarn? Nope
Did I spend lots of quality time with my family? Yup.

We went hiking / geocaching and found 4 more caches. We did the tourist thing with family from out of town. We spent sunny days in the playground and rainy days cleaning the apartment. Female child and I did a proper Tea.

We are all moving slowly this morning as we attempt to get back in to the swing of things. By the time next week rolls around we should be ready to tackle the "worst-two-weeks-of-my-year.*" I already have a knot in my stomach but this, too, will pass as it always does.

No pictures today but trust me when I say that I finished the first Pomatomous sock and am ready to turn the heel on the next plain sock. I also added a square or two to my sweater(?) and am contemplating how to insert armholes given that I went with an odd number of mitered squares instead of an even one. I also think I have found a pattern or two to go with my Jacob yarn.

Have a happy Monday.

(*Defined as: the period of time in which Devorah supervises the administration of the Advanced Placement exams in her school and follows all of the rules and regulations and keeps the staff and students relatively happy without losing her mind.)

Friday, April 21, 2006

I joined!

I have decided to become a dye-o-rama lemming! On order, 4 skeins of Knitpicks dye-your-own sock yarn. This, of course, led to me ordering far more yarn in order to meet the $40 minimum for free shipping. Also on order ... 2 balls of Dancing and the Palette Sampler (with 2 patterns to use it with).

Yesterday started out great (and actually did not end so crummy). We all trooped up to our favorite museum and then left Male child there with a friend and the friend's mom while the rest of us headed in to the park to do some geocaching.

Just as we completed crossing the street ... Ouch! All 3 of us stumbled on a piece of uneven sidewalk (imagine a sudden drop of over an inch). My foot twisted under, leaving me in considerable pain. Since the initial ache did abate after a few minutes of sitting -- while Mike figured out why the GPS was not working (I was paying more attention to the GPS then the sidewalk when this happened) -- we continued with our adventure. We headed in to the park, with me limping somewhat, and found the two caches we were after. I then decided that sitting at home with my foot up and on ice was probably the smartest move and so home we went.

Mike and Female child were very solicitous and after making sure I was o.k., they headed out on a bike ride and brought back this:from Jacques Torres Chocolate Haven. YUM!

I spent the day in my easy chair with my foot up -- alternating ice and no ice -- knitting baby socks and more mini-socks for our geocaching. The big socks in the picture are the finished plain socks. They will go to my sister-in-law in Kentucky who is expecting. If the baby is a girl, then she will get the matching baby socks. If the baby is a boy ... Then someone else will get the baby socks. The mini-socks will go in to geocaches so they do not have to be anywhere near the same size. Female child complained about the size of the small one so I made the next one a bit larger.Today, Female Child and I are heading to the T Salon to have a girls lunch / tea out. I am trying to persuade her that this is the way to go for her birthday gathering.

Meanwhile, I will just sit here with my feet up and knit while I read blogs.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

What does a Peacock say?

Meow! No, really! These guys:
were meowing up a storm at the Bronx Zoo today. Mating call, maybe?

Then there were these guys -- the felonious horses.(I really love that picture -- tough to tell where the tail-ends are.)

And, lots and lots of butterflies!(O.k., I'm only putting up two pictures of them, take my word -- there were LOTS of butterflies.)

Here is the current plain sock in front of the bug Carosel. It was an absolutely fabulous day to be at the zoo but the crowds were, well ... zooey. Wednesday is the free day and given the wonderful weather, the crowds were out in force. We usually pass on Wednesdays but we were spending quality time with family from out of town. A good time was had by all and we seem to have avoided sunburn. (Thank you Coppertone!)

On other subjects, I'm jumping in to Kat's contest feet first.

Name 5 places other than your house or a knitting store where you have knit...

1. In a corn-maze while actually walking the maze. I turned a heel!

2. In the Statue of Liberty (her pedestal, actually) (see yesterday's post).

3. In Carnegie Hall (during intermission and before the concert).

4. In quite a few of the art galleries here in Chelsea.

5. While walking the streets of Manhattan.

And, as seems to be the norm, in doctors offices, the post office, on the subway, in a car, in the playground ... and so on.

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Yes, I am someone who goes to Liberty Island and takes a picture of Lady Liberty's tush. It's artistic.

Yesterday was spent in pursuit of our American Heritage as we toured Ellis and Liberty Islands. The kids and I joined up with my Aunt, Uncle, Cousin and cousin's family in Jersey City and took the ferry from Liberty State Park. Guys -- if you ever want to visit these places, THIS is the way to do it. Avoid Castle Clinton (the Manhattan ferry landing) and traipse to Jersey. I've done it both ways and Jersey is simply more civilized. (Gasp!) And, for out of towners, parking is MUCH less expensive. ($5 versus at least $35) And ... If you do the islands quickly (we did not) you can play in Liberty State Park.

We have been to Ellis Island a few times and never bothered with Liberty Island. I admit it, we are line snobs. I HATE standing on line and since you cannot climb all the way to her crown I have had no desire to venture inside since they reopened the Lady. I am content with the view from afar. Eventually, however, one must go and yesterday was the day. The line to get in to the pedestal was quite slow due to the bomb sniffing machines that everyone has to pass through. That was an interesting experience and before we got to them we were briefly evacuated. My public view is that we encountered a drill. My private view ... I wanted to get off the Island. I live far to close to Ground Zero to be comfortable with an evacuation from a National Monument.

This is why I knit, the plain sock now has a heel (see below) and is a few stripes up the cuff.

I expect to make one more trip to Ellis Island in the next year or so after Male Child finishes his immigration unit and wants to see it more in depth. Female child was able to act as a tour guide, having been there 3 times before (twice with us and once with school).

Overall it was a lovely day. The family came back into Manhattan and we fed them Indian food and then chowed down on Ben and Jerry's. Today -- the Bronx Zoo!

And now for those of you that need your fiber content ... The Mitered Sweater

And the plain sock (the second sock).

Monday, April 17, 2006

Spring Break Day 5 ...

is not much different from Day 3. Progress has been made on all knitting fronts and some spinning has been accomplished. The Daisies and Tomatoes are still alive (yes, this is something to celebrate) and my cold is starting to abate.

Yesterday we ventured in to New Jersey and did some geocaching in the Tenafly Nature Center. We had a nice easy hike and Mike found the caches pretty quickly. An al fresco meal of yogurt and matzah filled Female child's need for a picnic. The day wrapped up with some quality playground time during which I almost finished the first Pomatomous gusset. The kids and I played catch and I am happy to report that Male child can now throw and catch a ball at an acceptable level. (Yes, this was an issue.)

(Male child holding the second cache of the day.)

Today was supposed to involve a bike ride but Female child and I are still wiped out from our colds so a walk to the shoe store is more up our alley. Later we have the thrill of the kids' annual physicals followed by a trip to Chelsea Market for some fresh fish for dinner. Yum!

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Spring Break Day 3

Accomplished so far this break:

Finished 1 plain sock and started mate.

Completed leg of first Pomatomous sock.

Planted Daisies. (Gerbera)

O.k., maybe the fog muted light was not the best way to photograph the socks. My kids thought I was a bit odd for putting them on the plants. Wait until the tomatoes get bigger!

Started playing with Mitered Squares. I think this will be a sweater or a vest. It all depends on when I run out of yarn. This is using the rest of the handspun coopsworth. The inspiration is from Ginger Luter's Module Magic.

Planted Tomatoes. (Sunsugar on the right and Husk Cherries on the left.)

Stayed up most of the night with a stuffy nose and spent all of today handcuffed to a box of Kleenex and a garbage bag for the used ones. I am hoping to be dry enough tomorrow to persuade Mike to go hiking / geocaching out in Jersey. This, by the way, was my view of New Jersey this morning:
Yup, it was so foggy that we could not even see our side of the river. Now, we have a view clear across to Hoboken. (O.k., I'm not really sure what city is directly across from us so don't quote me on that.)

Friday, April 14, 2006

Spring Break!

In the interests of full disclosure, the last two nights have looked something like this:

This is from the first night of Pesach (Passover) at our place. (The second night looked somewhat similar but for more people and at my parents' apartment in Queens.) Yes, there is a small amount of wine on the table. Please be assured that it was replenished frequently over the course of the evening. In the decanter is Manshevitz Concord Grape as practically required by tradition. A second decanter of grape juice joined the wine for the kids. The good wine was imbibed by Mike and my brothers-in-law. An amusing time was had by all at both seders and we are now in recovery mode.

On the way to Queens for the second seder, we got caught in icky traffic and I got much work done on the plain sock (some variety of Trekking XXL).

On the left is Pomatomous which received many loving stitches while in the playground earlier in the day. I show them on a lifeless window box in hopes of showing them again in the next day or so on a filled window box. I have the daisies, I just need to refresh the soil and plant them.

I like to have plant life on my terrace and even try to grow food out there -- tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. Usually I wind up losing most of the plants by early August due to some sort of insect infestation. My plans were to totally replace all of my planting supplies this year and start with fresh, clean stuff in hopes of avoiding the annual plague (very Passover-like) but I have to keep my garden small this year since the terrace will be used for storage for much of July due to construction in the apartment. (We are knocking down a wall and doing major closet demo.) So, instead, I will have my daisies and maybe a tomato plant or two. These daisies seemed insect resistant last year and the tomatoes always do fine so maybe I will have an insect-free summer (at least on my terrace).

This is the view from my terrace facing northwestish:

That is the Hudson River and New Jersey on the far side. Next time I will show you the less enticing southwestish view and the new tower blocking Mike's sky. (It doesn't bother me, I just look north.)

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Holiday Time!

Wishing everyone a good Holiday and a Happy Spring. For those of you spending quality time with your kids for the next week or so I wish a modicum of sanity and a plethora of Hugs. Please remember to enjoy your time with the younger ones -- they grow up far too fast.

We will be doing a Seder here with Mike's sister and family tonight and tomorrow will be at my folks with most of my siblings. The only knitting occurring will happen while driving out to the folks (I get to be a passenger) so don't expect great things of me until the weekend.

Our plans for the break are simple -- relax, relax, get Camp physicals (kids), visit with my Aunt and Cousin (and families) and relax some more. If the weather cooperates I would like to drag the kids with our bikes and get some milage in on the Hudson River and maybe find a few geocaches.

I have a little work to do but I will try to do it early and get it out of the way. I might even try to accomplish it today (at work (gasp!)) but I suspect that I just jinxed any available time by putting this in writing.

Enjoy your Holidays, enjoy your Families, enjoy Spring!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Stop the Day, I want to get off!

This was the saddest sight of my day. The poor flower was detached from its parent plant last night while some one (s) vandalized my school. I think it says it all.

(Actually, there was a sadder sight, but I didn't stop to photograph my son as he suffered through the nastiest migraine he has had in a while. Poor kid.)

Other things went wrong today but ultimately no one died and no blood was spilled so it was actually a good day. Male child is feeling fine now and Mike surprised me with a Bluetooth headset that will work with both the phone and audio players in my Treo. This means that I no longer have to worry about the stupid dongle switch breaking again! Woo Hoo!!!

Now to work on Pomatomous! (I hope I spelled that correctly.)

Sunday, April 09, 2006


(O.k., this is not the greatest picture -- I see that one of the buttons is trying to play hide-and-seek -- but at least my facial expression is decent. I have a slightly better photo of the sweater but my face looks like I ate something nasty.)

Finished! I finally confronted my fears and finished Gloucester. Thursday and Friday evenings were spent recrocheting the first rounds that I had to rip out and finishing the edging. Saturday lost over an hour to washing and carefully, tape measure in hand, blocking it out on my bed. Please note that Saturday was a damp, icy, icky day here in NYC and NOT the best conditions for a sweater to dry in before bed time. Keeping this in mind, I shifted Gloucester to my side of the bed before leaving the house to take Male Child to a birthday party. (He saw Ice Age 2 in which the word Squid is used often!)

When I returned, five hours later, Gloucester was still not dry despite the overhead fan going full force. Gee, who would have guessed! (please note sarcasm there) While my side of the comforter was icky damp, the sheets were dry so I was able to use another blanket without having to remake the bed. Phew!

Gloucester, meanwhile was gently folded in its damp towel and set aside for the night.

This morning I lay it out again while I did the laundry and then, being able to wait no longer, tried it on. IT FITS!!! It flares a little at the bottom and ultimately needed 4 fewer buttons but IT FITS!!! Gloucester will make its public debut tomorrow at work and then again on Thursday for the second Seder.

Project notes:

Pattern: Gloucester from Jean Frost's Jackets

Yarn: Cascade 220 4.5 skeins used in main color and .5 used of each of the contrast colors

Changes made: 4 stitches fewer then called for were cast on and ultimately used in the back. It did not make a difference as the back flares a bit anyway. This was a mistake that I decided not to fix.

Like factor: It is nice but I think I may not be a Chanel type of gal. I think it is a bit too blocky looking once on. I will wear it and it will be a part of my regular work wardrobe and will not be relegated to the "never wear" pile. However, I will look for a different style next time.

On other fronts I also managed to skein up and wash four skeins of the Jacob and will skein up the remaining four this evening. I think I have the pattern for it (Boylston, also from Jean Frost's Jackets)but it first requires a trip to Knitty City for contrast yarn. I am going to try to hold off on this until Friday and use up some other yarns before I bring something new in to the house.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Another Proud Mommy Moment

Leave quickly unless you wish to be assaulted by a mother's bragging. (And scroll down two posts for the Futurama Socks.)

This is another "Proud Mommy" post. At the start of 4th grade, my daughter's cohort was told that they could choose band or chorus. If they went for band then they would have to give up one recess a week for extra instruction. Since both children already play an instrument (violin) I figured that Female child would choose to sing instead of play.

Nope, she chose band and started a path to maturity that I could not have imagined. First, after being told that she would be learning the trumpet -- her third choice, and that we would have to obtain one on our own, she exercised a new-found confidence and told her teacher that she could get a clarinet (second choice) from her violin teacher (free) and would much
rather play that then the trumpet. She did this in lieu of handing over the note from mom that said "call me." Said teacher was lovely and let her use the clarinet. (Her violin teacher has now said that Female child can keep the clarinet for good -- it is apparently a good clarinet so this is not a frivolous gift.)

Then, she showed an aptitude for her new instrument that had her figuring out songs on her own much as she had already done on both the violin and piano.

Fast forward to two weeks ago when she was selected, with 5 other students, to take additional, afterschool lessons which would lead to a featured spot in the Spring concert and ... Playing at graduation. Yesterday the 5th graders treated their families to a lovely Spring Concert and when Female Child stood up for the featured passage, I cried.

It is both wonderful and sad to see your child grow up and I am so proud of her for pursuing her passions that it overwhelms me. If you have a child, go to them and hug them hard. They are young for so short a time.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

To Share or Not to Share ...

*** Scroll down to the previous post if you are looking for the Futurama socks. ***

A few people have suggested that I make my patterns available to the public. As much as I am flattered by the suggestion I cannot do so. The last two pairs of socks represent copyright protected characters and while I am reasonably certain that I am on a safe legal footing making them for my husband, (and yes, I have studied this section of the copyright law), it would absolutely be illegal for me to publish the patterns. What I am thinking of doing, however, is creating a guide to making cartoon socks. This guide would cover the basic principles and techniques that I employ when designing something of this nature for personal use. The examples I would use would be of my own creation. (This idea now has my mind churning as to new Squid sock ideas!)

Keep your eyes out for future postings which will describe either the full process or how the explanation can be obtained. I have a week-and-a-half spring break coming up when I can devote some time to making a proper product.

Meanwhile, for those of you who appreciate Elizabeth Zimmerman-style "pithy" directions:

Figure out your gauge in desired yarn.

Take a good look at the subject to be copied. You might want to start with creatures with simple features such as Squid.

Either: print the picture on top of knitting graph paper, sized to fit the number of stitches you have or ...

Keep the picture nearby to consult as you wing it. (I went with the second option). Knit. Place features where they belong. Finish sock. Knit second sock using same or similar methods.

To work the intarsia areas I knit flat for those sections and then sewed up the hole on the side of the eye / mouth afterwards.

Embroider any accents such as pupils and teeth.

Knit I-cord for tentacles -- keep sock at hand so that you can compare how it will look as the i-cord grows.

Sew on appendages and hide all ends.

Wear and enjoy! Be sure to photograph and email me so I can see!

Monday, April 03, 2006

New Socks!

I was going to show you this:

It was an excuse for not having anything finished to show you. (Tangled mess = obvious reason not to finish socks.)

Then, however, I spent several hours in the playground and can now show you this:

and this:

and, as a pair, these:They are, the Futurama socks. The Grey guy is Bender and the Red guy is Dr. Zoidberg. Futurama was an animated program on FOX that went off the air and in to syndication several years ago. There is no official website and hence, no link. I will not link to fan sites since I have found some offensive (to me) material on some of them. According to Slashdot there will be new episodes coming soon.

Dr. Z. was the original inspiration for these socks since, as you can see, he is somewhat Squid like. (Let us forget for a moment that he is also rather Crab-like.)

The socks are knit out of Cascade 220 superwash and fit Mike's size 11 feet. Dr. Z's tentacles are I-cord as is Bender's visor. Yes, Bender really has 3 rows of teeth.


It turns out that I have a bit of an avoidance issue with Gloucester. Right now it is a bit too small and is fitting snuggly. I blocked my swatch using shawl techniques (LOTS of pins, stretched to its absolute limit) and think that it will block out just fine. Keep your fingers crossed and do not even think of looking for a picture of the finished object before Sunday. I need to allow a full day for it to dry while severely pinned to my bed. Obviously I cannot do this in the evening and I do not dare risk doing it in the early morning when I do not have a full set of wits about me.
I might do some crocheting on it tonight or I might instead work on Pomatomus. I admit it, I have jumped on the pomatomus bandwagon with some wonderful merino purchased for another, aborted, project. I do not usually jump on pattern bandwagons but after seeing them on another blog I realized that this is what this yarn was calling out to be -- and so it will.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Day Off

How do I spend a personal day? Well, since the whole reason for taking two days in a row was to be with my kids (their school was closed -- don't ask), I spent it with said kids.

Today we decided to seek out the Thomas A. Edison Menlo Park Museum. We got there just as a school group tour was starting and the guide was, from my perspective, fascinating. The kids were a little less impressed but in the end they also thought it was pretty cool. I would not make this the focal point of my day but it is a nice side trip for half an hour or so. The Edison Tower -- yes, that is a light bulb on top. The tower is falling apart so we could not go up.

After touring the one room museum, we hiked through the woods on the same trail that Edison used. We, however, were not thinking deeply but rather were looking for a Geocache. After about half an hour we decided to give up on this one and headed for lunch at a nearby mall.
Cool tree we found instead of the Edison cache. Hey, even bombing out has its rewards in this game.

Fed and refreshed we headed to Roosevelt Park in Edison and spent the next 2 hours searching for Geocaches. We seriously looked for three caches and less seriously for two more, ultimately finding 2 and setting one travel bug loose on the world.
Me and Female child in front of one of the cache sites. She is holding the super ball that she traded her travel bug for in a different cache. The photography is courtesy of the Male child.

Since we were intent on finding all 8 of the caches in this park, I spent my morning frantically knitting mini-socks to put in the caches. I now have 5 sitting in my bag ready for the next spate of caching fever. This means that I have made very little progress on any other project.

Gloucester now has one sleeve joined in and one side seam sewed. Lots more still to go. Maybe I won't finish it this weekend. My problem is that I have several projects very close to done and I cannot decide which one to finish first. I am ready to ply the Jacob that I have been spinning on the bike for the last few months, the latest character socks are nearing completion and then there is Gloucester. Eventually all will be done.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dad will probably see this a day late since I could not think of the right words to blog with this morning. I have since found them in the day we spent together.

My dad is worth taking a day off from work. (Forget that the elementary schools were closed and I would have had to scramble for childcare.) I kid you not that when I saw what days the schools were closed I said "hey, Dad's birthday is then -- I'll take the day and hang with him and the kids."

My dad has survived five children and gotten us all into, if not yet through, college. (Two are still in the process.) He has seen two of his kids married and has three grandchildren with one on the way.

He taught us all to write, and to do it well. (Though you would not know it from this broken list.)

He taught us that one can be a nice guy in business and still support one's family in a comfortable fashion. We also learned the other side and saw when it was o.k. to fight for what is right and not be so nice.

Dad taught us right from wrong and always gave, and gives, all of us unconditional love -- even when we pushed the limits.

He is open to new experiences and continues to teach and learn from the next generation.

We spent the day walking, talking, geocaching (Dad's good!) and eating. Over all, one of the best days I have had in a long time.

Happy Birthday Daddy! I love you so much.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Where's the Tuna?

What does it say about me that I had to look in 3 cabinets before I found where we keep the canned Tuna? Then, I could not remember what kind of container the mayonnaise is now in and then ... I forgot that the handles of the pasta pot get hot. D'oh!

I had the pleasure of cooking tonight -- if you can call Mac and Tuna cooking. It is, however, a favorite of the kids and one of the few things that I can reliably make without charring. I used to not be this way. There was a time when I could turn out tasty and edible meals on a regular basis. What happened? Oh yeah, I remember, I had kids.

When the Female child was born, Mike said "you feed her and I will feed you." That started my road out of the kitchen. For the next few years the number of meals that I prepared got fewer and further between until finally, I managed to burn a dish I had made many times before. The next day, Mike called me at work and asked what I intended to char that night. My answer is unprintable but the rest is history.

Now, I periodically prepare Mac and Tuna or, Spaghetti and Clam sauce or even, Spaghetti and Meatballs -- if Mike has the meatballs in the freezer.

He does the shopping and has so taken it over that I have no clue as to what things cost. On the rare occasions that I have to do it he has to tell me what a good price is.

Please note that I am not useless around here. I do clean up after dinner and I make a mean packaged Mac and Cheese. I am also in charge of some holiday items like hamentashen, latkes and matzo brei. I used to be in charge of chocolate chip cookies but Mike has managed to overcome his jinx effect on them so they are no longer my responsibility.

I also knit nice warm things for everyone in the family.

Gloucester is now totally knit and joined at the shoulders. I will probably not finish the seaming until Thursday and then comes the crochet edging and a good wash and block so ... Watch this space say ... Sunday? (maybe Monday depending on drying times) The latest character socks should also be finished this week so keep looking!

Sunday, March 26, 2006


No, it is not a metaphor. Yesterday I got an urge to take the kids to the Circus. We saw a commercial and the kids commented on the elephants. [They did NOT ask to go or even hint at it. My kids are really good that way.] That set me to thinking and I did a quick set of internet inquiries and determined that we should be able to easily get walk-up tickets to the Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus which happens to be playing just blocks from our apartment. After some quiet conversations with the other adult in the family we left it until today. This morning he was still undecided so I decided to bring out the big guns and asked the kids what they thought. I suspect you know their answers ... Female gave a big YES! and Male a "guess so." (He is much like his father.) So, off we went to the 10:30 a.m. performance.

I have not been at the circus since I was younger then the Male child and figured that I would be able to knit through it as I would through a movie. However, none of my current projects lend themselves to distracted knitting so I was forced to wind a skein of Claudia's Handpaints in the Turquoise Jeans colorway. Note: the Circus is NOT a good place to start a toe-up sock. The toe is rather wonky (but wearable) since I kept forgetting if I had increased or not as I was distracted by aerialists, clowns, horses and elephants. The circus was great and when it was over, the Female child looked me in the eye and exclaimed "THANK YOU! for taking us to the Circus." There was so much emotion in that one statement that I immediately regretted not going for slightly more expensive seats. Next year ...

(Male child also enjoyed himself but, as I said before, is much more laid back about it.) The sock is still very small -- the circus is not for knitting.

Question: Are Lion Tamers no longer PC? The animal trainer used dogs, cats and birds and the announcer said that a portion of all ticket sales goes toward Elephant Conservation. I do not mind the lack of big cats, I am just wondering.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Closing in

I can see the end of this sweater in sight. The first sleeve is finished and the second on the needles. The buttons are purchased and I am raring to go -- once I am fully awake.

This week was exhausting. Just the thought of staying at work until 8:00 P.M. wipes me out mentally and the actual act does me in physically. I did get a lot of paperwork done and watched a group of kids view Mars through a telescope. The excitement they felt reminded me why I do this job. It is all about the kids.

We then started the weekend properly with a lovely shabbat dinner with good friends and then a trip to Fairways for groceries. Now there is food in the house and the weekend started in a relaxed frame of mind.

The sock-in-progress is taking form and now kind of looks like its intended character. Last night, Mike suggested the characters for the next pair. They will take some thinking to figure out the 3-D aspects and he will have to decide if he really needs them poking at his pant legs. They will also require a purchase of "Simpson-yellow" yarn. I already have the blue, leftover from the Elephant sweater.

Male child is now immersed in the Princess Bride (the book) having become obsessed with it after finally watching the entire movie. He is trying to do a credible imitation of the various characters. Female child is practicing her violin and looking very grown up in a pair of jeans that almost hit the floor. We finally found some pants that fit her tucked away in the recesses of her closet. We are truly blessed to have wonderful neighbors and one of them regularly passes down her girls' clothes to us. I do not torture the Female child by forcing her to only wear hand-me-downs, we do go shopping for her on occasion, but these neighborly recycles definitely come in handy when she has a sudden growth spurt. The girls downstairs also get a kick out of seeing their things on someone else. This pair of pants really makes the Female child look like a young lady -- a sight that kind of saddens and gladdens me at the same time.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Parent-Teacher Week

This is Parent-Teacher conference week in the Z house. Tuesday, we had the pleasure of being the parents for two conferences and tonight and tomorrow we get to be the teachers. This means that little knitting will get done tonight. No, I cannot knit while waiting for parents. What I will do, probably, is clean my office. I noticed that the level of soot has become noticeable again so it is time to bring out the cleaning supplies.

However, for your viewing pleasure, I give you the latest in sock and sweater progress:Doreen mentions that she is also making Gloucester and has made a number of changes. Doreen -- where can we see it?

For anyone who cares, the conferences for our kids went just fine. It is always interesting to hear how differently their teachers experience my kids. One is turning in to a leader and the other is becoming more social. Both are good things but things that we do not necessarily see at home. Given our a-social tendencies it is nice to know that our kids can get past it and become social beings despite their parents.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Sock Progress

The latest "Squid" socks are progressing nicely despite being assigned to the "carry-around" knitting category. A small amount of knitting will get the Grey topped one to the start of it's face. Again, for those of you tracking these, the characters-- of which one is not at all Squid like and the other is only vaguely Squidish -- hail from a program from the creator of The Simpsons. This program is now going to have 26 new episodes so it looks like I am ahead of the curve here.

Gloucester is progressing nicely with both pockets finished and the first sleeve a few inches up. Unfortunately this evenings plans include taxes and not knitting. Maybe an inch or so before bed?

Today's plans also include parent-teacher conferences where we get to be the parent. It should, as always, be a lovely experience. The kids have a half-day so they get lunch out with Daddy. Since we get to do the other side of the table on Thursday and Friday the kids get another treat this week ... An evening with Bubby and Zeida and maybe their youngest Aunt. Hey! I want two treats this week!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

The best laid plans ...

I should know better. Going in to this weekend I looked at Gloucester and figured that I should be able to easily finish the second front by the end of Saturday, finish the pockets and be rolling on the sleeves by the end of Sunday. It was not particularly ambitious but I really figured that all I had left after Friday night was a single evening of work on the front.

Then my cell phone broke. Again. This is the second phone that has gone wonky on me in the barely 4.5 weeks that we have had the new phones and the third one to malfunction in 5 weeks. The first was dying a premature death after barely a year of use but we were switching plans anyway so it was not too big a deal. The next two are just plain annoying since they are fancy, all-in-one devices that I absolutely love because I now carry only one device where I was previously carrying 3. And, I now use my PDA all the time where it was not getting the use it should since having it and my cell phone out at the same time was an invitation to lose one. However, do not despair, our service provider was surprisingly nice and replaced the phone again, without charge. (It better have been without charge -- the phone was only 2 weeks old each time.) Please note, Mike has the same phone and it is working just fine but ... If you have a Treo 650 and use the hands-free frequently, do not be surprised if you lose the ability to talk without the hands-free. It is a known problem.

Anyhow, here is Gloucester:

And here is another project that kept me from working on it:

The above are the raw ingredients for Wampum. Below is one of the resulting Wampum.

Why, I hear you asking, are you attempting to make Wampum. Because the Male child was distressed that his macaroni Wampum had broken and Daddy promised that we could buy clams to make "real" Wampum while also providing spaghetti with clam sauce for dinner. Daddy, obviously, did not think this through and so Mommy found her self hammering and drilling clam shells last night. Male child is doing the smoothing himself.

Yes, we know that Wampum are round but this is making Male Child happy.

The last reason why Gloucester is not further along is that our neighbors had an emergency this morning and asked us to please watch their boys. I do not begrudge Gloucester progress at all for this -- they are lovely kids and we had a very nice time playing and reading while their parents dealt with important matters. It is very nice to have neighbors who can be counted on in an emergency and I am glad to be able to help them as they have helped us in the past. Hey, what are friends for.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Happy Birthday Amanda!

There should be a picture of the Birthday Girl inserted here:

However, I do not seem to have a current one. I will remedy that when I see her later this week.

Amanda is my younger sister and the youngest of my siblings. She is (gasp) 20.5 years younger then me. I will not give away either of our ages because then the bars in her college town will realize that they should not be serving her. Hmmm ... That might not be a bad idea ... But then it would also give away my age. Let it suffice to say that I have a fabulous picture of Amanda at my wedding -- she was 3. (She turned 4 just days later.) Now if anyone wants to track back through my posts and do the math, feel free.

She is the only sibling for whom I can knit socks with confidence since her feet are the same size as mine -- though she claims they are a tad smaller. We are about the same height and weight though shaped a little differently. She is blonde to my brunette and has far more social skills then I will ever posses. She is intelligent, kind, pretty and writes as befits a child of our father. She is also the youngest of 5 and knows it.

This is the sibling who followed me around her high school last year, finding me in every room I went to (and I went to a lot of different rooms) and called me old. She also, complained. "Everyone makes out in front of my locker," she whined. So, what is a vengeful sister to do but grab hold of a convenient male teacher and make out in front of her locker. O.k., the convenient male teacher was my husband ... But it did the trick and elicited the comment "ewwww!" Why? Because her sister was kissing in public? NO! Because we are OLD. Blah!

Amanda -- you are a wonderful sister and I love you dearly but I will NEVER stop telling this story. Happy Birthday!

Thursday, March 16, 2006


The left front is almost done and I have rediscovered the rule of maximum ends. This rule is the reason why I have to join a new ball with only an inch to go on the piece. Now, this could have been prevented if I had started a new ball when I started the front instead of using the half or so ball that I had left from the back (it used 1.5 or so balls) but I have a need to plow through the yarn and finish each ball in turn.

I hear the yelling now ... What do you mean you are not knitting both fronts at the same time? I figure that since the tweed pattern is leaving me with an easy counting method I am not likely to make a serious mistake in terms of length. I also HATE constantly switching balls of yarn when knitting two fronts or two sleeves at the same time. I do not do 2 socks on 2 circs or 2 socks on one magic loop at the same time for the same reason. I will knit 2 socks at the same time on separate sets of needles and just switch which sock I pick up after stopping for a while. This I do so that the pair is done all at once.

For those of you who like a little poetry, there are some new ones up here. My favorites are actually much further back, here (Sky on the Ground) and here.

Now to pick up my knitting and settle down to The Princess Bride.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Young Einstein

Here he is!

And there is the wig that he obsessed about for a week. This child decided early on that for his project, he was going to become Einstein. I knew that he was planning the wig and mustache. I did not realize, until Sunday night, that he also knew that he needed a white shirt, slacks, his jacket and a tie. It was at the tie that I almost lost it -- however, since he had everything else located and ready to go I decided that I had to admire his planning and then, went and found the tie. He designed the wig on his own, creating a frame of paper glued strips glued together. He requested a ball of grey yarn and then spent much time "fuzzing" it to get just the right effect. The adults voluntarily joined in the fuzzing when we realized just how long it was taking. Finally, DH suggested untwisting it on a spindle. Fast forward to my unplying a half a skein of Lambs Pride on my wheel and then quickly pulling it apart. Yes, Lambs pride does indeed seem to have 2 unspun "plys" in it if something that is unspun can be called a ply. When split in half the untwisted stuff just pulled apart easily.

Einstein provided a credible presentation at the class share session yesterday morning and yes, it is captured on video for family members who ask to see it when they are here.

Gloucester is progressing -- the back is done and the left front is 1/3 done. Not much knitting was done last night since we went to relatives for Purim dinner. Einstein fit in perfectly. Next year the rest of us will really have do some sort of costume -- we were a little out of place this year. Mike's cousin invoked tears when he referred to the person who was missing from the dinner (MIL) but overall he gave a thought provoking d'var torah about names and language. I fully expected the male child to use it as the base of his question of the night but he actually fell asleep fairly quickly.

The answer to yesterday's riddle: What do you call a boomarang that doesn't come back?

A stick!

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gotta love him

I will contend that the reason we have children is to keep us laughing. Today I tell a tale of the male child, a curious creature with an insatiable appetite for knowledge. His mind works in a manner different from my own so while I admire the questions he asks, I find the manner in which they are asked to be amusing. Take last night ...

The usual bedtime routine around here involves sending p.j. clad, teeth-brushed children in to their rooms at 8 p.m. There, they read in their beds for a short while when, unprompted by an adult, the female child turns off her light and puts head to pillow. Somewhere around 8:15 p.m., one adult or another yells for the male child to put lights out. He complies and comes out for a round of hugs. Returning to his room, the male child then proceeds to toss and turn, and sometimes even, fall asleep. It is on the nights that sleep does not come easily that the adults often find themselves convulsed with laughter. After half and hour or so of the tossing and turning, the male child wanders out and asks a question that the adults are not prepared to answer. Two nights ago the questions were: how does a camera work? and how does a boomarang work? Not particularly amusing and easily answered the next day.

Last night, however, following a dinner conversation involving Albert Einstein and Richard Feynman, the questions were: How does an Atom Bomb work? What are the different types of Atomical (sic) weapons? and How did Albert Einstein's idea's lead to the Atom Bomb? The third question is directly from the male child's talking points in his presentation today -- he is portraying Albert Einstein, grey wig and all.

So, my project for today ... figure out how to explain the workings of the atom bomb. Forget about the caveat ... to an 8 year old ... I figure any explanation that I can understand, this kid can get his brain around.

By the way ... the answer to the Aquatic Socks puzzle is ... Yertle the Turtle by Dr. Seuss ... possibly the finest work on the subject of turtle stacking.

And lastly ... what do you call a boomerang that doesn't come back? (answer tomorrow)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Cheesy Hamentashen

Sundays are for spinning and this week ... Baking.

I do not, as a general rule, cook. A few times a year I do some holiday foods -- challah for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippor, Latkes at Chanuckah and Hamentashen for Purim. No, I do not do matzo ball soup for Passover but I do make matzo brei.

This year, we introduce the Cannolli cream Hamentashen. (Those are the ones with the white filling.)

This merger of cultures comes to us courtesy of my SIL who introduced DD to cannolis a few weeks ago. Ever since, DD and Mike have been chowing down on fresh ricotta mixed with a smidge of sugar and chocolate chips. DD even brings small cups of it to school for her dessert. So, when it was time to make the Hamentashen, those two suggested Ricotta Hamentashen. They are actually quite good.

The other Hamentashen are prune and apricot using the wonderfully fresh fillings from the Yorkville Packing House. The pastry is from Bernard Clayton's The Complete Book of Pastry. It uses grated lemon rind in the dough and is wonderful!

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Is it Spring Yet?

Maybe yes ... Maybe no.

We ventured out in to the sunshine yesterday attempting to take advantage of this brief bout of spring. After painlessly running a couple of errands (since they involved a pick up at the post office there was the potential for pain) we wandered up to Bryant Park in search of a microcache. Once there, we totally lost our GPS signal but still managed to find the Geocache we were after. Score! Then a quick trip to coliseum Books and then ... To Le Carrousel.

The Carosel in Bryant Park is a tiny one but has some very interesting animals on it. Apparently yesterday was the first day of the season for it so the operator gave everyone on it a second ride for free!

After lunch and some wig making (a story for another day) the kids and I headed to my favorite playground. They played while I made some headway on Gloucester and then did some spinning -- attracting the usual bunches of kids. I know that there are some parents find playground time boring and tedious. I love it! The kids go off and do their own thing and I get to listen to a good book and get some fiberwork done. The only time I get antsy is when it is a tad too cold for me to knit or spin comfortably.

Dinner was at Craft (not Craftbar as previously posted) and was wonderful. We ordered too much food and have lots of leftovers for tonight. Vladimir Feltsman was also fantastic so the evening was a total success.

Today ... We make Hamentashen!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

How to Spend an Anniversary ...

*** Thanks to everyone who wished us a Happy Anniversary. You provided lots of smiles and warm fuzzy feelings for me throughout the day. ***

1. Get only a little sleep the night before due to fright that you will not get up at the extra early time required by the fifth-grader's trip to Philadelphia.

2. Arise at 4 a.m. due to fear of finally falling solidly asleep and missing alarm.

3. Post a blog entry about your wonderful spouse.

4. Great same with a kiss when he finally wakes up after 5:00.

(Fast forward through all standard morning stuff.)

5. Bring kids to school and drop off 5th-grader at 6:50 a.m.

6. Have a leisurely breakfast at favorite diner with favorite (and only) son.

7. Return to school to discover that buses are STILL there.

8. Leave second child and go to work.

(Fast forward through work stuff.)

9. Leave work and settle in at Starbucks near kids' school to kill time until buses are due to return at 7:00 PM.

10. Get joined by Elaine of UWS Knitters and spend a pleasant hour or so knitting and gossiping.

11. Change venue from Starbucks to car which is intentionally parked where the buses will have to pass before turning on to the school block.

12. Continue to knit and gossip with Elaine until 7:40 PM.

13. Finish turning heel of sock and knit first inch or so of cuff. Start toe of second sock.

13. Decide to join other parents in front of school and then glance up the block to see the buses coming (Elaine, those WERE the buses!).

14. Wait a seemingly interminable time for the buses to start unloading and great a sobbing child.

15. Gather said child in arms and guide to car and drive directly home, bypassing intended leisurely dinner with said child.

16. Eat the pizza left over from son and husband's dinner.

17. Retire for night after giving the still-awake daughter (no longer sobbing) a dire warning about coming in to our room.

(Fade out ...)

I spent, maybe, 2 waking hours with my husband. We will make up for it tonight with a leisurely dinner at CraftBar and then a concert by Vladimir Feltsman.

Is is a beautiful, balmy, early spring day and I just hope that the exterminator comes early so we can go out and enjoy it as a family.

(Current Status of Gloucester -- up to armholes on back.)

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Love of My Life

Here he is.

Fifteen years ago today we said those words which forever raised our taxes. Do I love him as much as I did the day we married. Nope! I love him so much more.

After all of these years he still manages to surprise me in good ways and I cannot imagine my life without him. When I try to ... I start crying.

Mike is my husband, the father of my children and my best friend. I hope to knit his socks for many, many more years.

Happy Anniversary oh Love of My Life!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Today's Lesson

Beware of situations that may cause sudden rises in aggravation levels when you are already in a foul mood. Then apologize immediately. I am laying low for the rest of the evening and am not risking offending anyone else by going back out. This means I am missing this week's Upper West Side knitting but I honestly think it is best for all -- I'd probably wind up telling off a poor, innocent bus driver or token booth clerk for no reason.

Meanwhile, Gloucester is now 7 inches long on the back. I should get up to the arm hole shaping tonight.

The new character socks are now 6.5 inches long (o.k., the first sock) with 3 inches to go before turning the heel. That may happen before the weekend if I wind up "hanging" at Starbucks on Friday while waiting for DD to return from her class trip to Philadelphia. If anyone is on the Upper East Side between 4:30 and 5:45 on Friday, I will be at the 81st Street and Second Ave Starbucks. I have to be in front of the school by 6 but want to be there early -- just in case.

Now for some hugs from my offspring -- that makes everything better, right?