Saturday, September 13, 2008

Looking to Tomorrow

Squidette just tried on her outfits for next week. Friggen kid grew!

Made a quick call to friend whose daughter was Bat Mitzvah'ed at the same synagogue. Her outfits were shorter. Phew!

Still have to knock off some of Saturday's to do list while accomplishing Sunday's list. Did I mention that I am beat? Spent much of Friday patrolling my new school. It exhausted me but it was a nice "did a good day's work" kind of exhaustion.

Just found a CD we've been looking for for several weeks. It was right where it should have been -- but it was the wrong color.

Hoping your To Do list gets shorter and shorter ...

1 comment:

penny said...

{hugs} i wouldn't say my list is getting shorter, but i did find the office keys that were missing since er.. May. Here's to good things happening today.