in Brooklyn. (Did you think I was getting philosophical on you?)

Both kids made it up the Brooklyn Bridge on their bikes, without walking. Then, after a mile or so, made it up and over the Manhattan Bridge. The journey to Brooklyn was pleasant and uneventful with Male Child pushing himself to greater and greater velocity. Mike and the Female Child had barely time to stop and get water bottles out when we caught up to them at almost every point. The only place they had to wait for long was on the Manhattan side of the Manhattan Bridge.
Our route today (for those that care) started at our usual point on the Hudson River and took us down to Stuyvesant High School, around Battery Park City, past the Statue of Liberty-to-Manhattan swimmers, around the southern tip of Manhattan, up to the underside of the Brooklyn Bridge, up, over said Bridge (see first photo), through just a few streets in Brooklyn, up and over the Manhattan Bridge, through a few streets of Chinatown and the Lower East Side, up through the East River Park, up on to Water Side Plaza (where we used to live) and across town back to home with a brief stop at Kalustyans. Total ride: 16 miles Total to date as a family: 54 miles

The kids gained valuable hill climbing and street riding experience. (We purposely planned the street riding knowing that traffic would be light today.) We all had a fabulous time. Next week, the Tour de Brooklyn!

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