Scout is being nosy. These are some of my knitting / spinning spots. To include all of them I would have to take a picture of all of our local playgrounds as well as the building's laundry room.
This is my Chair. I knit here while blog surfing and this is my main spinning chair. The wheel is out of sight, off to the left. Yes, the unfinished plain socks are on the back of the arm of the chair.
This is my favorite spinning and weaving spot but is only useful in warmish weather. My balcony faces west so we get the late afternoon sun. I rarely knit here since there are so many other places I can knit. For some reason, I get a kick out of spinning and weaving outdoors. Spinning ??? on it was a great experience. This roving was so full of VM that I was constantly stopping and picking it out. Inside I keep a pillowcase on my lap and am careful not to dump the stuff on the floor. Outside I just let it fly.
Our couch is my evening knitting spot. I curl up or stretch out with a more complicated project then I would work on while surfing or in public. The current couch projects are Pomatomus and Woven. If you look on the floor in front of the couch you will see a glimpse of a blankie that my sister crocheted for Female Child almost 11 years ago. Except for one, small, recent repair, it is still going strong and gets used almost every day. It lives on or near the couch.
I actually got several inches done on the second Pomatomus sock yesterday. After running our morning errands and strolling through a street fair, the kids and I spent the late afternoon in my least favorite playground. They rode bike and scooter and I sat, listening to my audio book and knitting away on the sock. The pattern is finally coming easily -- the first sock was somewhat of a struggle - -and I continued to work on it a bit in the evening. Only a few more rows until the heel. Woven is coming along but a bit more slowly now that I have to stop every so often to switch yarns for each piece.
The ??? singles are all spun. Any balcony spinning time today will involve plying.
Now, off to pack for today's bike ride!

I actually got several inches done on the second Pomatomus sock yesterday. After running our morning errands and strolling through a street fair, the kids and I spent the late afternoon in my least favorite playground. They rode bike and scooter and I sat, listening to my audio book and knitting away on the sock. The pattern is finally coming easily -- the first sock was somewhat of a struggle - -and I continued to work on it a bit in the evening. Only a few more rows until the heel. Woven is coming along but a bit more slowly now that I have to stop every so often to switch yarns for each piece.
The ??? singles are all spun. Any balcony spinning time today will involve plying.
Now, off to pack for today's bike ride!
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