As always, both kids did amazingly and the pace was slow enough that even Male Child (and his accompanying parent (me)) did not wind up at the extreme back of the pack. All told, we did about 22 miles with having to ride to 14th street and back for the subway and the ride to the Tour start from the Brooklyn subway stop.
Mike is playing with uploading our track from the GPS to Google maps and these posts may soon come with links to maps of our adventures. To further facilitate our explorations on two wheels, I am having a hitch receiver installed on the car this week so that we can put on a 4 bike carrier.
On the knitting front, I have 3 pairs of socks to present. Plain Socks 2, Pomatomous, and the Bee Stripe socks. The Bee socks look much cooler off then on. The 2 X 2 rib that I use on the kids socks causes the stripes to look fuzzy here. The heel shot shows the stripes much better. The Plain Socks are knit in Trekking XXL (color forgotten), Pomatomous is knit in Claudia's Handpaints and Bee Stripes are knit in Lorna's Laces Bee Stripe. For those of you using Claudia's Handpaints -- watch out if you are knitting for large feet. Two skeins JUST made it for my size 10 feet. One of the skeins had less than a yard left after kitchering.

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